Extension: The following are twenty everyday German expressions:
Good morning, Morgan. -Good morning!
What direction is this? -How are you?
Danko. -I'm fine, thanks.
How's it going? T du? -What's your name?
Me? Hey? E…- My name is …
Who are you? -Where are you from?
I'm from Australia …-I'm from …
machst du gerne? -What do you like to do?
My name is Jenny Boucher. -I like reading.
Can you help me? -Can you help me?
Natrich! -Of course!
Entschuldigung! -Sorry!
No problem. -No problem.
How far is it? -How much is this?
I don't believe it. -I don't understand.
k? Do you know what this place is? -Can you say that again?
Where is the bathroom? -Where's the toilet?
My name is Bing Hungrik. -I'm hungry.
This is Ben Dusty. -I am thirsty.
Good-bye. -Bye!