Jiuzu: Generally speaking, it includes father and mother, father's brothers and sisters, mother's brothers and sisters, own brothers and sisters and wife. Ancient scholars, led by Zheng Xuan and others, thought that nine families were "grandparents and grandchildren", and the father and son were in Sun San, so nine families were nine. The core theory is that different surnames are not at home.
However, in ancient times, there were two opinions on the judgment of Jiuzu, which brought problems to the executioner and touched the hearts of ordinary people. One is pure parent-child relationship, and the other is mixed parent-child relationship. The so-called pure paternal nine families refer to: the prisoner's father, the prisoner's grandfather, the prisoner's great-grandfather, the prisoner's son, the prisoner's grandson, the prisoner's great-grandson and the prisoner himself. In ancient times, killing the father's family of nine was killing the whole family of men.
This is a friend of Nine Plus Ten, the so-called Ten Plus student Fang Xiaoru, a native of Ninghai, Zhejiang Province in the Ming Dynasty, and a minister of Emperor Wenjian in the Ming Dynasty. Four years later, Emperor Yan's uncle Judy seized the throne and slaughtered the generals around him. However, Fang can't escape. Judy killed nearly 1000 people, including his friends.
The so-called nine households with mixed patriarchy and matriarchy refer to criminals, aunts' children, nephews, granddaughters, cousins (parents, brothers and sisters, wives and children of criminals), grandparents, grandmothers, uncles and mother-in-law. Compared with Jiuzu, Julien Jiuzu had a wider influence and received more punishment.