Historical records show that Confucius traveled around the world in a carriage one day. When I came to a place, I saw a child sitting in a "city" surrounded by mud. Confucius said, "Why not avoid the carriage when you see it?" The child replied: "People say that you, Mr. Kong, know astronomy from above, geography from below and human feelings from below.
However, I haven't seen much of you today. Because from ancient times to now, I only heard that cars avoid the city. How do cities avoid cars? Confucius paused and asked, "What's your name?" The child replied, "My name is Xiang Tuo." In order to save face, Confucius asked Xiang Tuo a series of questions, but all of them were skillfully solved by Xiang Tuo.
Confucius thought the boy was too learned to argue with him himself. He had to sigh, lean down and say kindly to Xiang Tuo, "It's terrible to be born late. I should worship you as a teacher. " Turning to his apprentice, he said, "There must be a teacher for a threesome. Don't be embarrassed to ask. " With this praise from Confucius, Xiang Tuo became famous in Kyushu and shocked the ruling and opposition parties.
Later, it was recorded in the relevant chapters of Historical Records. According to Records of the Historian, when Gan Luo was twelve years old, he thought it was a metaphor and persuaded Wen Xin not to let himself go to Zhao. The Saint Amethyst, compiled by Wang Yinglin, a scholar in the Southern Song Dynasty, advised future generations: "In the past, Zhongni studied under the ancient Saint Xiang Tuo and was diligent in learning." Because of this
Second, Yue Fei.
It is a model of China's ancient generals' incorruptibility. A prominent feature of his strict management of the army is that he is strict with himself. Yue Fei put forward two famous slogans: "Civil servants don't love money, military officers don't hesitate to die, and the world is at peace."
He practiced, Yan Shouyi was not greedy for money, second, he didn't love sex, third, he didn't marry a concubine, and fourth, he didn't follow the "four noes" rule until he didn't drop a drop of wine.
Third, Mr Zhang Boling set an example to quit smoking.
Zhang Boling, a famous educator in China, founded Nankai University, Nankai Girls' Middle School and Nankai Primary School after 19 19. He attaches great importance to the education of students' manners and manners and sets an example. ?
Once, he found that a student's fingers were yellow by smoke, so he seriously advised the student: "Smoking is harmful to health, give it up." Unexpectedly, the student was a little unconvinced and said wittily, "Do you smoke?" No harm to the body? "
Zhang Boling smiled apologetically at the students' censure and immediately called on his workmates to take away all his Luzon cigarettes and destroy them in public. He also broke his beloved pipe that had been used for many years and sincerely said, "Since then, I have given up smoking with my classmates." Sure enough, he never smoked again after that.
Fourth, President Pierre Paul's "Wonderful Hand Rejuvenation"
"You can tell by your slender little finger that you will be the governor of new york in the future", an ordinary saying, changed a student's life.
These are the words of Pierre Paul, principal of Daxiong Primary School in Dashatou, new york, USA. The word "you" between the lines refers to roger rawls, a naughty student at that time. Rawls Jr. was born in the infamous Dashatou slum in new york, USA. The environment here is dirty and violent, and it is a gathering place for stowaways and vagrants.
So he was badly influenced since he was a child. He often played truant, fought and stole things in primary school. One day, when he jumped down from the windowsill and reached out to the podium, he was caught red-handed by the headmaster Pierre Paul. Unexpectedly, instead of criticizing him, the headmaster spoke the above sentence sincerely and gave serious guidance and encouragement.
At that time, Rawls was taken aback, because in his short life experience, only his grandmother encouraged him once, saying that he could be the captain of a five-ton ship. He wrote down the headmaster's words and firmly believed that it was true. From that day on, "Governor new york" flew high in his heart like a flag.
Rawls' clothes are no longer covered with mud, Rawls' language is no longer dirty and ugly, and Rawls' actions are no longer procrastinating and aimless. In the next 40 years, there was not a day when he didn't ask himself to be governor. 5 1 year-old, finally became the governor of New York.
Five, Mr. Tao Xingzhi's Four Sweets
When Mr. Tao Xingzhi was the principal, one day he saw a boy hitting his classmate with a brick, so he stopped him and told him to go to the principal's office. When President Tao returned to the office, the boy was already waiting there.
Tao Xingzhi took out a candy for this classmate: "This is a reward for you, because you got to the office before me." Then he took out another candy and said, "This is for you, too. I won't let you hit your classmates. You stopped it right away, which shows that you respect me. "
The boy took the second candy in doubt, and Mr. Tao added, "As far as I know, you beat your classmate because he bullied girls, which shows that you have a sense of justice. I will reward you with another candy. "
At this time, the boy was moved to tears and said, "Principal, I was wrong. If my classmates are wrong again, I can't take this approach. " Mr. Tao then took out another candy: "You have admitted your mistake, and I will reward you with another piece." My candy came out and our conversation was over. "