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What is "karoshi"?
"Karoshi", as its name implies, can be read as death caused by overwork. The medical explanation is that long working hours, increased labor intensity, increased psychological pressure and exhausted sub-health state suddenly lead to the acute deterioration of potential diseases in the body, and then sudden serious diseases and life-threatening treatment.
Who should guard against "karoshi"?
Because medical overwork leads to potential diseases, it is easy to cause "karoshi death", so high-risk groups such as hypertension patients, hyperlipidemia patients, diabetics and smokers need to pay more attention to and prevent overwork because of the possibility of potential diseases in their own bodies.
How to prevent and prevent "karoshi"?
Cases of karoshi frequently appear in newspapers, and young adults have become the main force of the disease. It is inevitable that they stay up late, work overtime and have no rest days. On the one hand, the labor law stipulates an eight-hour working system, "the average working time per week does not exceed 44 hours." From the perspective of the state and system, these laws and regulations should be strictly enforced to protect the legitimate rights and interests of workers. On the other hand, in the actual situation of social life and work, we should properly handle the relationship between work and life. If you work for a long time or feel unwell, you should take a proper rest and relax yourself in various ways. Personal pressure should exist, but it should not be a resistance to crush your body. Life and health come first. Without health, all struggle will be meaningless.