This avenue is hidden, and the world is home. Each has his own relatives, each has his own son, and the goods are all his own. Adults think it's a gift, and the city ditch pond thinks it's solid. Etiquette and righteousness are regarded as discipline, honesty is regarded as monarch and minister, honesty is regarded as father and son, friendship is regarded as brother, harmony is regarded as husband and wife, wisdom and courage are both perfect, and merit is regarded as one's own, so the purpose is to make use of it, and the soldiers will start from this. Wu Wen became the king of the Duke of Zhou, so he chose it.
None of the six gentlemen is unwilling to be polite. Take its righteousness, test its letter, write its story, punish its people and make its people clear. Anyone who doesn't come here will go there. Everyone thinks it will hurt. It means well-off.
Interpretation of vernacular:
Nowadays, the highest political ideal has disappeared, and the world has become the property of a surname. People treat their relatives as relatives and children as children. Property and labor are private. The power of the prince and the emperor became hereditary, it became a well-founded ritual system, and Guo Cheng Gully was built into a solid defense.
Formulating etiquette as a criterion is used to determine the relationship between monarch and minister, to make the relationship between father and son honest, to make the relationship between brothers harmonious, to make the relationship between husband and wife harmonious, to establish various systems, to divide fields and houses, to respect brave and wise people, and to make contributions to themselves, so intrigue and intrigue came into being.
Yu Xia, Shang Tang, Zhou Wenwang, Zhou Wuwang, Zhou Chengwang and Zhou Gongdan became outstanding figures of three generations. None of the six gentlemen carelessly observed the etiquette system.
They show the connotation of the regular etiquette system, use them to examine people's credit, expose mistakes, set a model of etiquette and show etiquette for the people. If there are deviant and abnormal behaviors, the dignitaries will also be scouted back, and the people will regard them as a scourge. This kind of society is called a well-off society.
This article is from the Book of Rites written by Dai Sheng in the Western Han Dynasty.
Extended data writing background:
It is said that the poems, books, rites, music, changes, the Spring and Autumn Period and the Six Classics written by Confucius' disciples are the carriers of the highest philosophy in China's classical culture. However, it is not easy to read them through, so we should make more explanations to help us understand the rituals in the Six Classics.
The Book of Rites mainly records the crown, marriage, funeral and sacrifice ceremonies in the Zhou Dynasty, but it is limited to the style and hardly involves the "ceremony" behind the ceremony. If you don't understand etiquette, the ceremony will become a worthless ceremony. Therefore, in the process of practicing etiquette, the post-1970 s wrote a large number of papers explaining the classic meaning, collectively called "Ji", which belongs to the vassal of etiquette.
After Qin Shihuang burned books to bury Confucianism, there were still many "notes" written in pre-Qin prose in the Western Han Dynasty, including "13 1 article" in the History of Art Granted by Han Dynasty and the History of Literature.
According to the Annals of Sui Shu Classics, these documents were collected by Wang Xian, a native of Hejian, from the people, and Liu Xiang got dozens of articles when he was studying the classics, including Yin Mingtang Yang Ji, Confucius Three Dynasties Ji, Wang Shishi Ji and Yue Ji, and the total number increased to 2 14.
Due to the large number of records, and there are two versions of fine and coarse, by the Eastern Han Dynasty, there were two kinds of anthologies in society. One is the 85-piece version of Dade, which is called Li Ji of Dadai.
Second, Dade's nephew Dai Sheng's Forty-Nine Articles, called The Book of Rites of Little Dai. Li Ji from generation to generation is not widely circulated, but it is still in decline, as noted in Lu Bian of the Northern Zhou Dynasty. By the Tang Dynasty, most of them had been lost, with only 39 articles left, and even Sui Shu, Tang Shu and Song Shu were not recorded.
The Book of Rites for Little Dai was named "Book of Rites" by later generations because of Zheng Xuan's meticulous attention and infinite scenery.
Appreciation of articles:
Contrary to the thought of great harmony against kingship, the thought of well-off society praises kingship, and the thought of great harmony against kingship can only exist under its cover. As an idea, it will not be banned by monarchies of past dynasties.
Confucianism's thought of well-off society and great harmony appeared in the Book of Rites and Li Yun at the same time. After summarizing the above contents with "meaning great harmony", the article begins with a completely opposite language: "Today's avenue is hidden, and the world is home.
Each has his own relatives, each has his own son, and the goods are all his own. Adults think it's a gift, and the city ditch pond thinks it's solid. Etiquette and righteousness should be regarded as discipline, respect for monarch and minister, respect for father and son, respect for younger brother, respect for husband and wife, respect for system, respect for field, wisdom and courage.
Taking merit as one's own, it is necessary to use it as a guide, so the soldiers set out from this and chose Tang Wuwen as the duke of Zhou. None of these six gentlemen are unwilling to treat each other with courtesy, but test their trust with righteousness. There have been works, and there are benevolent policies in punishment, which shows that the people have often. Some people don't come from here, but those in power go. Everyone thinks it's a well-off society. "
As a social system and social scene, well-off society and great harmony are almost completely opposite. Here, the road to the world is over, and the resounding slogan "the world is public" has been changed to "the world is home".
Under the principle of "home under the sun", all social phenomena are contrary to the Great Harmony. People are close to each other, children and children, goods are hidden for themselves, the social morality of serving the public is gone, and the labor attitude of doing our best is gone. All this comes from the private ownership of power: "Adults are always polite."
My Lord, the monarch is hereditary. In order to explain the rationality of this inheritance, the ideological form of serving it has emerged, one is ritual and the other is righteousness. What is a gift? What is righteousness? The author of "Li Yun" pointed out very profoundly: "Adults think it is a gift, but adults think it is solid." It turns out that the essence of ceremony is to serve hereditary kingship.
People with power should naturally be respected and worshipped, and should be supreme. This is the "ceremony". Since respecting rights is a ritual, it is natural to protect rights, so we should "think it is solid."
The reason why power should be respected with "courtesy" and maintained with "righteousness" is because it is hereditary, has no popular base and is opposed by the people. The essence of propriety illustrates the public rationality, the justice of the road and the falsehood of propriety itself in the Datong world from the opposite side.