2. Install navicat for mysql (pay attention to the custom selection of plug-ins).
3. Connect to the database:
Open navicat for mysql and find the file-new connection.
4. Fill in the connection parameters
In the connection settings that appear, there are many options for the account information of the database that needs to be connected.
Connection name: you can fill in it at will for later identification and differentiation.
Host name or IP: fill in the host name of the server (which must be resolvable) or the IP address of the server. If it is local, you can fill in localhost or 127.0.0. 1.
Port: 3306 by default. If other ports are modified, the corresponding ports are required.
Password: it is the user name root password or the password of other mysql users.
5. After setting the parameters for connecting to the database, click "Connect" below and "Connect successfully" will appear, that is, the setting is successful.
6. Database management: After connecting the database, all current mysql databases will be displayed on the left. Click on the corresponding database to view the table below the current database.
7. Add or delete a database: If you need to add or delete a database, just select the database to be operated and right-click to select an operation.
8. Add or delete tables: Similarly, for the table below the database, if you want to create a new table, click Select Table-Create.
For the newly created table, you can manually enter the specified selection of name and type. After setting, click Save, enter the table name, and finish the operation.
9. Click the added table or database table. After double-clicking, the detailed column items and attributes of the current table will be listed on the right.
How to use the command line
Although it is a graphical management tool, many operations need SQL commands to be more convenient. Enter the sql command line interface and click Tools-Command Line Interface.
Then enter the SQL command line interface in the blank area at the lower right, and the operation method is the same as entering the mysql command line interface. If you need to clear the current screen content, you can click "Clear".
Other functions
For sql files previously exported from the database, or sql command statements written. You can select the database to import, or right-click the table to choose to run the sql file.