Wen has a surname Wenzhong, Wu has a town, a country and a king, Huang; Wen is enough to secure the world, and Wu is enough to set the world. There were originally Empress Chiang Kai-shek, Princess Huang of Xigong and Princess Yang of Xinqing Palace in the palace. Empresses in the third palace are virtuous, gentle and virtuous. Zhou Wang lived a quiet life, all the people were happy, the weather was fine, the country was peaceful, the people were safe, and all the people were handed over. Judging from the above statement, it seems not difficult for the Shang Dynasty to rule for another 600 years if it continues to develop in this stable state. Occasionally, the rebellion of some individual governors is also small-scale, and it can't afford to make much waves. It is not a problem to counter these rebellions by relying on the ability of Master Wen. If there is anything wrong with the Shang Dynasty, it may be that it ruled for too long. Luo Jinxian, who is aloof, will still experience a disaster in 1500 years. Why can a small human rule for so long and still be safe?
Furthermore, under the leadership of the God of Heaven, heaven is not prosperous, and it has been in a state of decline for a long time, and even there is not enough manpower, which is in sharp contrast with the peaceful and prosperous times under the rule of emperors on earth. This made the immortals, including gods and science, very unhappy, some became impatient, and gradually had the idea of transforming the world and changing dynasties.
Learning from the unknown, the immortals played tricks on the celestial world and destroyed a dynasty on earth. They must always follow the laws of heaven, not learn from the unknown. However, there is nothing wrong with Shang Zhouwang as an emperor on earth. The immortal cannot overthrow his rule for no reason. However, it is wishful thinking to wait for Zhou Wang to take the initiative to make a big mistake.
However, after all, immortals can do far better than humans, and they can't wait! Hao Tianshen said that Heaven is understaffed and needs to find some employees to serve in Heaven. At this time, under the Buddhism of Twelve Jinxian, it coincides with the once-in-a-lifetime killing of 1500. Only through the war of mankind can we complete the war of God. It's a pity that Wang's disciples are as sad as Zhou Wang, all in order to make wedding clothes for Wang and Heaven. Finally, the immortal couldn't wait to shout out the slogan of Zhou Shi's prosperity, and began to interfere with the rise and fall of the royal family in the world. Immortals chose the Western Zhou Dynasty not because it was so good, but because it was the most powerful of the eight hundred governors. Choosing the Western Zhou Dynasty to fight against the immortals in Shang Zhouwang can save a lot of energy.
It doesn't matter if Zhou Wang is not bad. Fairy has many ways to make him bad. Nu Wa knows best the weaknesses of human beings created by herself. That's a knife on the color prefix! Nu Wa personally arranged three fairies, namely Fox Fairy, Nine-headed Pheasant and Jade Pipa Fairy, in Xuanyuan Tomb to bewitch Zhou Wang, making him bohemian and hollowing out the foundation of Shang Dynasty from the inside. From then on, Shang Zhouwang, a wise and poor master, became obsessed with ghosts, which eventually led to great disaster and handed over the 600-year-old Tang Jiye to the Western Zhou Dynasty. The immortals successfully launched the battle of sealing the gods and completed the established tasks.
Conclusion: It is unfair for immortals to reuse goblins to confuse Zhou Wang with witchcraft, but reasoning with immortals is like casting pearls before swine, and immortals will wash their responsibilities with a word from God. If the Western Zhou Dynasty ruled for 600 years, the immortals could overthrow it with the help of the Shang Dynasty in Zhou Wang. The Zhou and Shang Dynasties were just pawns at the mercy of the gods! Shang Zhouwang also became the last king, and there was no king in the world!
Laoshan steet
We decided to climb a 30-mile-high Yaoshan Mountain, which is called Yuechengling on the map and Laoshan boundary on the soil. ?<