The first is to carry forward Confucius' theory. In fact, in Confucius' time, many people were famous for him. Confucius' theory was left behind because people like Mencius highly praised it. In Mencius, Mencius fully praised the spirit and knowledge of Confucius. He said that Confucius was "born for the people", which means that there has never been anyone like Confucius.
Secondly, it inherited the theory of Confucius and laid the foundation for Confucianism. Mencius not only inherited Confucius, but also put forward the famous "theory of good nature". Mencius said, "Good is compassion". By conscience, we mean people's inherent heart, and conscience means people's inherent wisdom. People should be good under the nourishment of heaven and earth. The end of shame and evil is also; The heart of resignation is also the end of ceremony; The wisdom of right and wrong is also at the end. Mencius' era is just similar to our present era: diverse values, active thoughts and numerous theories are rampant, making all living beings do not know how to live. It was at that time that Mencius proposed to correct people's minds, stop heresy, spread rumors and cause trouble, and act in unison. Correcting people's thinking is the foundation, and the other three are the means.
Mencius (about 372 BC-about 289 BC) was born in Zoucheng (now Zoucheng, Shandong Province) during the Warring States Period. A great thinker, educator and representative of Confucian school, he is also called "Confucius and Mencius" with Confucius.
Han Yu's The Original Road lists Mencius as a figure who inherits the Confucian orthodoxy in the pre-Qin period. The Yuan Dynasty chased Mencius as "elegant Gong Sheng" and respected him as "elegant saint". His disciples and re-disciples compiled Mencius' words and deeds into a book, which belongs to a collection of quotations and essays. It was written by Mencius and his disciple * * * and advocated "taking". Representative works include Fish Wants What I Want, Help When I Get the Way, Help When I Lose the Way, Born in Worry and Died in Happiness, etc. My motherland is also included in the Chinese textbook of senior high school.