Many bosses think they are bosses. The next sentence is whether a person's command is a sacred purpose, an ancient sacred purpose, which may not be fully implemented. If the emperor's orders are carried out, the dynasty will not change. This is an illusion, a dream! I told you to go on. You think I won't touch the fish below? No, they can still touch fish, but the fish they touch are hidden! So once you say it, it will only reduce your prestige. So when you are a boss, sometimes you say nothing! Of course, it is not completely shelved, but this matter also has comprehensive management, which is compared with the following management. This truth, or this practice, I have known since I was a child. At that time, my grandmother, whose ancestors were landlords, later became an ordinary farmer, but she could do something. Especially the principles of handling some things. At that time, my grandfather collected potatoes in the field and put them in the warehouse. My uncle and daughter-in-law often steal (in fact, they have everything)
Although my grandfather was a little unhappy, my grandmother stopped him. I remember my grandmother's words. My father told me that if my mother stole something, you would only cough, not break your mouth. Strangely, although I am only a few years old, I still remember this sentence. Although I can't understand the reason behind this sentence, I remember it. After that, there was a pile of wheat missing from the threshing floor, which was an unsolved case and should be at my aunt's place. However, the countryside at that time was not so simple, and the whole village was threshing and harvesting. Every year in the wheat harvest season, the whole family goes back to harvest wheat, and everyone is there.
There are neighbors, although my grandmother didn't use the problem to play, but I understand. Grandma said that if anyone did not pay attention to the movement of this pile of wheat and found that it was stolen by foreigners, grandma would throw the knife on the chopping block. He cut his hand. In the second half, I don't say a word to anyone who wants to go to my warehouse to get food. They are all from our own family, who eats differently ... but if they are foreigners, I hope they are clean. Later, when collecting potatoes, grandpa gave his aunt two baskets. In fact, I was very young, but I can understand the logic behind it. So, don't underestimate children. They may fully understand. Especially nowadays, children know everything in their bones. Actually, I just don't say it. I understand now that as a manager, it takes a correct attitude to crack down on subordinates.