After the death of Emperor Han Ling, Dong Zhuo led the troops to attack the capital. Although Dong Zhuo attacked with the emperor's password, the capital at that time was very chaotic, and Dong Zhuo also took the opportunity to attract many military forces. Later, Dong Zhuo learned that the little emperor was brought to the vicinity of Beimang Mountain by eunuchs, so Dong Zhuo led his troops to Beimang Mountain.
When Dong Zhuo just passed, there were only some ministers around the little emperor. These ministers were embarrassed, and the little emperor cried when he saw Dong Zhuo's army. Dong Zhuo told the ministers that they didn't take good care of the little emperor, so they might as well give him the little emperor. Ministers gave the little emperor to Dong Zhuo because of his army, but Dong Zhuo wanted to reign himself, so he killed the queen mother, abolished the little emperor and became the real overlord.
Although at this time of crisis, no one stepped forward. They just shouted slogans behind Dong Zhuo, mainly because they were very afraid of Dong Zhuo. Although Dong Zhuo's strength was not strong at first, many people went to take refuge in him after he kidnapped the little emperor, and Dong Zhuo himself led the troops to fight for many years, so he was very experienced.
So these governors were afraid to start work, let alone become early birds, so they began to fight among themselves. By this time, Dong Zhuo had mastered the imperial court, so it can be said that all power was in Dong Zhuo's hands.