There is a magic world version of cheerleading in the Order of the Phoenix called Cheerleading Owl.
If you watch a breakfast scene in the Order of the Phoenix carefully, you can clearly see the magic world version of breakfast cereal Cheerios.
However, in Harry Potter's world, they are called cheerleading owls-much more interesting than our Muggle version.
There is such a magical disclaimer in the subtitle of "Goblet of Fire": "No one was injured during the production of this film."
Little dragon Norbert was abandoned by Hagrid in the philosopher's stone, but it was not until the Goblet of Fire that we saw the adult dragon in the Triwizard tournament.
Although there is a disclaimer at the end of each film that "no animals were harmed in the process of making this film", the producers obviously feel the need to ensure that the audience knows that magical creatures are also safe.
The entry code of m-a-g-i-c is 6-2-4- 2, that is, M-A-G-I-C.
In the Order of the Phoenix, Harry was summoned to the Ministry of Magic for using magic outside school (he used the patron saint spell to drive away several dementors), and was escorted by the author Weasley.
Arthur took Harry into a telephone booth and dialed a number. The telephone booth is under the Ministry of Magic. It was a clever trick, but Arthur dialed 6-2-4- 2 and spelled m-a-g-i-c on the phone. This may not be the most secure password for the Ministry of Magic, but it is a good detail for filmmakers.
In Goblet of Fire, we filmed Deathly Hallows before we knew what it was.
The eagle-eyed audience found the symbol of the deathly Hallows as early as in The Goblet of Fire. Before we knew them, we had made three films.
The symbol of the deathly Hallows is a triangle (representing the invisibility cloak), with a line in the middle (representing the elder's wand) and a circle (representing the resurrection stone) inside. You can see these symbols in the glass cabinet that Dumbledore is looking at.
In Deathly Hallows 2, before the Battle of Hogwarts, Lagerhorn drank a lucky potion.
Just before the Battle of Hogwarts, just before Lagerhorn, McGonagall, Mrs Weasley and others dropped protective shields around the castle, he drank a small bottle of Fu Ling potion-that is, liquid lucky potion.
It was Lagerhorn's brilliant idea. He finally survived the battle, so it obviously worked. The potion he drank may even be the reason why good people win.