In the southeast, there is a proverb that says, "Your son Jin Wang will not change Qin Zhou."
In the ancient state of Qin, millet was produced in the southeast of Qin county, the "state of Qin", with small particles and golden color, and was called "the son of Kim Jong Il" by the locals. This is the most special family millet variety, and the real golden pearl is not willing to change, which shows its preciousness.
The boastful locals will say this mantra: "The Three Treasures of Mothers, Eggs, Melons and Angkor Tuberculosis" is a treasure egg. Although there are eggs in China, the eggs in Qinzhou are unusual. It is characterized by reddish skin, large egg white, small yolk and small jujube. Erbao pumpkin seed, a kind of fat and big kernel with high oil content, is often used as a food ration in the local area. The third treasure, Wu Ge, is old because he first discovered Qin Zhou. Over time, the agreement became synonymous with his name "Qinzhou".
Millet does have a nourishing effect. Women with children in the north can nourish postpartum weakness after drinking millet porridge. Located in Taihang Mountain, Qinxian County is especially suitable for the growth and development of millet because of its special geographical climate, so that Qin Zhou only has the taste of valley, and the contents of plant fat, soluble sugar, crude fiber and protein are higher than those of ordinary millet and rice. Eating this meal can treat spleen and stomach weakness, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, and also has the functions of harmonizing yin and yang, clearing away heat and diuresis, hypertension, dermatosis and inflammation, and also has certain preventive and inhibitory effects. Anyone who eats kidney disease straight should eat more on an empty stomach for a long time.