The easiest way to execute jenkins is through the built-in Jetty servlet container. You can execute Jenkins like this:
$ java -jar jenkins.war
Of course, you may want to send jenkins' output to a log file. If you are on Unix, you may need to use nohup:
$ nohup Java-jar Jenkins . war & gt; $ LOGFILE 2 & gt& amp 1
Interview Jenkins
To view jenkins, just open a Web browser and go to the website http://MYSERVER: 8080, where MYSERVER is the name of jenkins running system.
Command line parameter
Jenkins usually uses port 8080. However, if you have other Web services to start, you may find that this port is already occupied to start. You can specify a different port with-httpPort = $ HTTP_PORT, where $ HTTP_PORT is the port you want to run on jenkins. Other command line parameters include:
Command line parameter
-HTTPPort = $ HTTP_PORT is running on standard port $ HTTP_PORTjenkins to listen for HTTP protocol. The default port number is 8080. To disable it (because you are using HTTPS), please use the port-1.
-httpListenAddress = $ HTTP_HOST combined with jenkins' IP address represented by $ HTTP_HOST. The default value is 0. 0. 0. 0- that is, listening to all available interfaces. For example, to listen only for local requests, you can use:-httplistenaddress =
-HTTP port = $ HTTP _ port uses the HTTPS protocol $ http _ port.
-httplistenaddress = $ HTTPS host and Jenkins listen for HTTPS requests whose IP address is represented by $ HTTPS host.
-prefix = $ PREFIX Run jenkins with $ PREFIX at the end of the URL. For example, in order for jenkins to access http://myserver: 8080/Jenkins, set-prefix = /jenkins.
-AJP 13port = $ ajp _ port is running and using the standard port $ AJP_PORTjenkins to monitor the ajp 13 protocol. The default port number is 8009. To disable it (because you are using HTTPS), please use the port-1.
-ajp13 listenaddress = $ ajp _ host combined with $ ajp _ Jenkins IP address represented by the host. The default value is 0. 0. 0. 0- that is, listening to all available interfaces.
-The field of debate. Passwd $ ADMIN_USER sets the user's password $ ADMIN_USER. If jenkins security is enabled, you must log in to $ ADMIN_USER to configure jenkins or jenkins projects. Note: You must also specify that the user has the administrator role. (See parameters below).
-The field of debate. Role $ ADMIN_USER = Management Settings $ ADMIN_USER is an administrator user. If jenkins' security is turned on, you can configure jenkins. See Make sure Jenkins gets more information.
-xdebug-xrunjdwp: transportation = dt _ socket, address = $ DEBUG_PORT, server = Y, pause = N debugging, and you can access $ DEBUG_PORT during debugging.
-log file = $ log _ path/winstone _ ` date+" % y % m-% d _ % h-% m " `。 The log file is registered in the required file.
-XX:PermSize = 5 12M-XX:MaxPermSize = 2048m-xmn 128m-xms 1024m-xmx 2048m?