How many words are restricted in 1.JD.COM product advertising language?
The advertising language of JD.COM commodities is limited to 45 words.
The product slogan is limited to 45 words. Merchants can increase the exposure of products by adding links to product advertising language. However, when adding links, we should pay attention to the link address and format of product advertising language. Anything that does not conform to the format will lead to unsuccessful upload.
Second, how to make JD.COM's advertising language attractive?
1, store activity time and welfare points, if full reduction, limited time discount, buy 2 get free 1, etc.
2. Shop services, such as free freight, 15 days no reason to return goods, cash on delivery, etc. It is very attractive to entangled consumers;
3. Key words of platform activities, such as Goddess Shopping Festival, Shirt Festival, Kitchenware Festival, etc. , especially during the event, can attract more traffic for the store.
Can 3.JD.COM commodity slogans be uniformly revised?
JD.COM commodity slogans can be uniformly revised.
JD。 The product slogan of COM can be modified uniformly. You JD.COM businessmen must pay attention to JD. The product slogan of COM. If this thing is well written, it will be helpful to increase the sales of goods.