Diagnosis and treatment include massage, acupuncture, bonesetting and other traditional Chinese medicine techniques, as well as pulse diagnosis and prescription adjustment. Can be used for treating cervical spondylosis, scapulohumeral periarthritis, lumbar disc herniation, spinal diseases, lumbar spondylolisthesis, acute and chronic lumbago, neck, shoulder, lumbocrural pain, sciatica, numbness of hands and feet, scoliosis in children, congenital muscular torticollis, etc.
Suzhou Traditional Chinese Medicine Hall is a Chinese medicine chain affiliated to the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Traditional Chinese Medicine Hall. It gathers well-known old Chinese medicine practitioners from Beijing, Shanghai and the Soviet Union for pure Chinese medicine treatment, with the aim of "carrying forward the quintessence of the country and serving all living beings" and building a health service platform.
contact address
Suzhou Guoyitang Chinese Medicine Chain currently has three branches with the following addresses:
Suzhou Traditional Chinese Medicine Museum (Park Store), Address: No.301Gulou Neighborhood Center, Tangqiao Fengting Avenue, Suzhou Park.
Suzhou Traditional Chinese Medicine Museum (New District Store), Address: No.4 Nanbang New Village, Zhuyuan Road, Mudu Town, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City.
Suzhou Museum of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Xiangcheng Branch), address: No.0/287, Qimen North Street, Xiangcheng District, Suzhou (near the full moon).