Soldiers, so no questions. Yan Di is a fire, so the Yellow Emperor is a bird; * * * Work is a water disaster, so Zhuan Xu punished it. Using Taoism, guiding by virtue and not listening, then using power; Violent disobedience will lead to a military revolution. Therefore, it is also true for saints to use troops. Combs are used to send seedlings, and fewer people go to benefit more. Killing innocent people, but raising an unjust king, is extremely harmful; Indulging in the wealth of the world and one's desires is a terrible disaster. Make Xia Jie and Yi Yin harm others and harm themselves, and not harm others; Li Jing and Song Kangxing died of injustice, so they won't fight violence with violence. These four monarchs all have their own shortcomings and do not seek success. Therefore, as for the troubles in the world, they are all harmful to people's hearts, and the evil of one person and the disaster of the long sea are not what this big family can bear. Those who have done things to establish a monarch will also ban violence and seek chaos. Today, taking advantage of everyone's strength, not being a thief, but helping the tiger and saving the world! Animals, fishing in the pool, go to otters, animals, go to wolves, how can you treat others!
Therefore, the soldiers of the overlord should be considered theoretically, planned strategically, supported by loyalty, and live and die together. Therefore, if you hear that the enemy king abused the people, you will send troops to face it, blame him for his injustice and stab him for his crimes. When the soldiers arrived in its suburbs, they told their military advisers, "Don't cut down trees, choose graves, burn grain, burn food, catch people, and collect six animals." However, he gave an order, saying: "The king of his country is proud of the sky and despises ghosts, and he is not guilty of prison killing. The reason why this day is punished is that people hate it. When soldiers come, they will restore virtue by abolishing injustice. If there is a way to go against the sky, those who steal handsome will die! Listen at home and take it home; Listen to your heart and enjoy it; Listen to the township and seal the township; Listen to the county and wait for the county. " If the country is not as good as the people, it will abolish the monarch and change politics. Show your virtue by respecting your scholar, arouse your loneliness, sympathize with your poverty, leave your prison and reward your merits. The people opened the door and waited, storing them in the rain for fear that they would not come. This soup, Wu is king, not overlord. So, you can't help it. People think of soldiers. If they are dry, they look at the rain and are eager to drink water. Honey, who is in contact with the soldiers? Therefore, the volunteers will come, and as for stopping without fighting.
Armageddon soldiers, although you have no way, you have to set trenches, and Fu Yi will keep them. The attackers will not only prohibit violence and eliminate pests, but also want to occupy the land. Therefore, as for those who lie down and bleed, they support each other with the sun, and the work of the overlord is not out of the world. He who fights for the land cannot be king; People who work for Dan Zhan can't contribute. Help people who treat things as adults; People who work for themselves, the public go. The help of the public, though weak, will be strong; Wherever people go, though they are big, they will die. Soldiers are weak when they lose their direction, but strong when they get the direction; You will lose your way and be clumsy, and you will get the right way; The country exists in the Tao and dies in the Tao. The so-called Tao is round and square, holding yang over yin, being soft on the left and firm on the right, walking without moving, and being well dressed. Impermanence, homology, and inability to cope properly are called gods.
If the husband is round, the sky is also; The square, the land is also. The sky is round for no reason, so it can't be seen; The place is boundless and you can't peek at its door. There is no image in the sky, the land is long and unpredictable, and it is turbid and heavy. Who knows it is hidden? Everything has me, but the Tao has no me. Therefore, there is no me, because of its impermanence. Rotation is endless, just like the movement of the sun and the moon. If there is metabolism in the spring and autumn, if there is day and night in the sun and moon, start all over again, flickering, and you can't get its discipline. There is punishment without punishment, so work can be accomplished; Things are not things, so win without falling. Punishment, soldiers extremely, as for not punishment, can be said to be extremely easy. Therefore, the soldiers are not invaded and connected with ghosts and gods, and the five soldiers are not arrogant and detached from the world. If the drums were not made in the library, the princes would be frightened. Therefore, the temple warrior is the emperor and the deified king. The so-called temple warrior, the law of heaven is also; Deified, the law is four times. Governing the country, but far from admiring its virtue; The victory or defeat is in the war, and the princes obey their rights. So is internal politics.
Those who learned the Tao in ancient times, quiet and tomorrow, move with the sun and the moon. When they are angry, they are called thunder, and their voices are not violent, so they can't get five degrees. From scales to feathers, everything is in good order, from beginning to end. So instead of forcibly entering a small place, it is big and not embarrassing. It is soaked in the stone, nourishing the vegetation, and it is the end of the world. The immersion of Tao is subtle and ubiquitous, which is based on winning more power. If the husband shoots and the instrument is not accurate, then the case is wrong; Horses don't need lessons, thousands of miles away. If my husband can't win, it will be a day of beating gongs and drums, and there will be no punishment for a long time. The soldiers of the old road, the car does not start, the ride is unprepared, the dust is exhausted, the flag is puzzled, the armor does not leave the arrow, the blade does not taste blood, and it is not easy to get in place. Jia doesn't go to the boss, and farmers don't leave the field. Recruit the righteousness and blame it, the big country will rebel, and the small town will die. Because of the people's desire, take advantage of the people's power to get rid of thieves. Therefore, we share the same interests and die together, sympathize with each other and help each other with the same desire. Move with the Tao and the world as the direction; Because of people, the world is a battle. Hunters chase birds and cars chase people, each according to his ability, and he has no right to punish. Those who oppose and want to cover up are also beneficial; Help the river in the same boat. When you die in the storm, the sons of a hundred families are eager to recruit a boat. If you have everything, you won't care about each other. Therefore, the Ming king used troops for the sake of the world and shared its benefits with all the people. Every man uses his place, with his son as his father and his brother as his brother. Landslides and ponds crack, who dares to be the enemy! Therefore, those who make good use of soldiers should use them for their own use; If you can't use soldiers, you can use them for your own use. For your own use, the world is indispensable; If you use it for your own purposes, you will get very little. There are three kinds of soldiers: ruling the country, governing the territory, doing justice, budehui, standing at attention, blocking evil tunnels, attaching ministers, attaching people, attaching unity, uniting with one another, being United with the monarch and the minister, being powerful by princes, and cherishing morality in all directions. Building a political hall, and running thousands of miles away, pointing to it with an arch, the world responds, which is also above the use of troops. The land is vast and people are loyal, the country is rich and the people are strong, the constraints are trustworthy, the two armies are equal, confrontation, Enemy at the Gates, Enemy at the Gates. This is the second time to fight. Knowing the suitability of the land, learning the benefits of danger is changing, observing the number of redemption, and hitting it, the white blade is closed, the flow vector is smooth, the blood is in the intestines, the dead doctor is wounded, the blood is thousands of miles, and the bones are full. It is also a decisive battle.
Nowadays, all the governors in the world rule the country, but they don't know how to repair its roots, release its roots and build its branches. Soldiers help winners because there are few winners. A strong soldier, a solid horse, an adequate livestock reserve, a large number of foot soldiers, and the great wealth of this army, as well as how to win and die. Ming is better than the luck of the stars, the number of punishments is amazing. It is convenient to run around with my hometown, and the help of this battle is gone. A good general will win because he always has the wisdom of the original, which is hard to be the same. In addition to being cautious, when the husband moves, the officers and men are distinguished, and the soldiers are governed by armor. Even if they are in the army, the flags are clearly raised, and so are the officers of this captain. It is easy to know the risks before and after, but difficult to see the enemy. Don't forget your legacy, just wait for the official. The tunnel road is urgent, the line is governed, the ruler is endowed, the army is compiled, and the well is connected. This is also an ordinary official. Put it in the back, moved away, not obscene, not ambiguous, this official also. These five senses are all for the general, and there are limbs and limbs in his body. You should choose your right people, your right skills, your right talents, so that officials can get their place and people can get their job. Tell it as a government, apply it as an order, tigers and leopards have minions, and birds have six purlins, making it useful. However, they all have the tools to win, so they must win.
The victory or defeat of soldiers lies in politics. Politics is superior to people, and if it is attached, the soldiers are strong; The people are superior to their politics, and the soldiers are weak. Therefore, benevolence and righteousness are enough to care for the whole world, career is enough to worry about the whole world, election is enough to win the hearts of the wise, and consideration is enough to know the strength and weakness. This is the foundation of victory. With a vast territory and a large population, it is not strong enough; A strong army is not enough to win; High city deep pool is not solid enough; Severe and complicated punishment is not enough. For the governor, although small, it must exist; If you are a political ruin, you will die no matter how old you are. In the past, people lived in Chu, with Yuan and Xiang in the south, Ying and Si in the north, Ba and Shu in the west, Tan, Pi and Ying in the east, especially Yan, Jiang and Han as pools, Deng Lin as walls, Mian as squares, mountains and clouds, and no scenery in the stream. Convenient geographical location and brave soldiers. Jiao Ge rhinoceros, Si Jia, and short hair clip are all in front, then the crossbow, and next to the wrong car guard. The disease is like a cone, like lightning, like wind and rain. However, almost all the soldiers are in the sand, and many people are broken. Chu is strong, the land is numerous, and it is divided into the world. But the king was afraid, entrusted with it, and died in battle. The second emperor is a potential son of heaven and rich in the world. Wherever people go and ships go, it's all for the county. But they are eager to see and hear, extravagant and extravagant, regardless of the hunger and cold of the people. Cheng's driving, but as Epang Palace, he made a defense of the left, and received half the reward. The people arrested four times and embarked on the first road to death. Once you don't know the number, you don't know it. If the world is hot and bitter, it will not be peaceful, and the government and the people will not be at peace. Defender Chen Sheng, thriving in Daze, is busy with bare arms, known as the Great Chu, and responds to the world. At this time, unless there is a strong armor Qiang Bing, the crossbow will rush hard, stab the jujube and cut the pity, chisel the cone as the blade, and shovel the city for the strong crossbow, and the world will boil. The potential is extremely low and the equipment is very unfavorable. However, those who sing alone and the whole world has to respond, the people are resentful. The prince of Wu cut the sword, welcomed the spring to the east, reached the water, fell * * *, and the comet came out, giving the handle to the Yin people. During the war, there was chaos on the 10th, and wind and rain hit. However, there was no reward for the previous difficulties, and there was no punishment for the subsequent flight to the North. The white blade is unfinished, and the world wins.
Therefore, those who are good at defending have no defense, and those who are good at fighting have no contention. They are clear on the road of banning houses and opening blockades, taking advantage of the trend and taking the world because of human desires. Therefore, those who manage well accumulate virtue, and those who make good use of soldiers are angry; Virtue can be used by the people, and anger can be controlled by animals. Therefore, the article is shallow because the winner of the situation is small; Virtue is rich in giving, while power is wider than making; If the enemy is strong, then we are strong and the enemy is weak. Therefore, people who are good at fighting will weaken the enemy before fighting, so they will get twice the result with half the effort. The land of soup is seventy miles and the king, and Xiu De is also; Zhi Bo is a thousand miles away, and the dead are poor. Therefore, a thousand times the country is the king of virtue; A country that rides a thousand times is easy to die. Therefore, the whole army wins first and then fights, and the defeated soldiers win first and then fights. Virtue means that many people are more than few, wise men are better than fools, and there are many wise men. Anyone who uses troops must first fight from the temple. Who is the Lord? Who can? Who is attached to? Which country rules? What is accumulation? Who is the infantry? What are the advantages of being a soldier? Is it convenient to prepare equipment? Therefore, the strategy based on the temple is better than thousands of miles away.
If the husband is tangible, the world will see it in the lawsuit; Books are handed down from generation to generation. It's all about form and form. Those who are good at form and law, those who value Taoism, and those who value invisibility. Invisibility cannot be forced, measured, deceived or considered. Wise man, man-made plan; Those who see it in form are human works; What you see in public is artificially subdued; See the equipment and get ready. Action week is also full of exaggeration, and those who can cheat skillfully are not good people. When you are active, the gods go out of ghosts, the stars shine and chase mysteriously, but you don't see me when you advance and retreat, and the phoenix flies. Hair like autumn wind, disease like a dragon. When you kill yourself with life, take advantage of prosperity and decline, cover up your procrastination with illness, and satisfy your hunger with hunger. If you use water to put out the fire, if you use soup to melt the snow, why not! Why not! Empty in the middle, cold outside, invisible and unexpected. Wandering, coming and going, I don't know where I am; It is inconsistent with the article, but in between, I don't know its collection. Death is like thunder, illness is like wind and rain. If you come down from the ground, if you come from the world, you can't answer. If the disease is like an arrow, how can I win? One dark and one bright, who knows its ending! I haven't seen it, but it's already here.
Therefore, those who are good at using troops, seeing the enemy's weakness, take advantage of it, pursue it and force it not to go. Strike it quietly, strike it with peace, thunder is not as good as the ear, and disease cannot hide its eyes. Make good use of soldiers, if loud, if boring, do not caress, do not suck. At this time, I can't see the sky, I can't see the ground, I can't close my hands, I can't send troops, I can't beat the thunder, the wind, the fire and the waves. The enemy doesn't know what he is defending or what he is doing. Therefore, when the drums and flags ring, those in power will abandon stagnation and collapse. Who dares to be the first in the world? Therefore, the bully wins, the others lose, and others die. A soldier, quiet is solid, single-minded is strong, determined is brave, doubtful is north, weak is strong. Therefore, it can be divided into people's soldiers and people's hearts, so it is more than enough; If you can't distinguish the people's soldiers, you will be less suspicious several times. Therefore, the death of Zhou is the heart of ten thousand people; The death of the prince of Wu, 3 thousand people are all specialized and one. Therefore, when thousands of people unite, they get thousands of manpower; If ten thousand people are disloyal, no one will use them. Be an official and serve the people, and you can fight the enemy. Therefore, if you decide to make a decision, you will undoubtedly make a plan. There is no second thoughts, no disappointment, no empty talk, no attempt, sensitivity to the enemy and eagerness to launch.
Therefore, the people are the body and the people are the heart. Honesty is the support of the blade, and doubt is the support of the north. The heart is not single-minded, and the body does not move; If you are not sincere, you are not brave. Therefore, a good general's soldiers can walk, lift, bite and touch if they are tiger teeth, bird horns and bird feet. Strong without losing, more without hurting, and making it with one heart. Therefore, the people sincerely obey their orders, although they are not so fearless; People don't obey orders, although more is less. Therefore, if you don't kiss, your heart doesn't need it; Soldiers are not afraid of generals, and they will not fight. If the rules are solid, the attack will win. Don't wait for the troops to meet the blade, and the chances of survival will be impregnable.
Soldiers have three potentials and two powers. There is momentum, terrain and potential. You will be brave, you will despise your enemy, you will be brave and you will fight happily. The people of the three armed forces, a million teachers, are determined to be clear, angry as the wind, and thunderous. This is called momentum. Landing in Jinguan, the mountain is famous for blocking, the dragon and snake are flat, but they live in the Li family, and the narrow intestine is at the entrance of Maomen. One person guards the pass, and thousands of people dare to cross it. This is called topography. Because of his fatigue and confusion, he was hungry and frozen, pushing his "voice" and squeezing him out. This is called karma. Make good use of spies, make plans by making mistakes in judgment, set threats to hide your figure, and take the enemy soldiers by surprise. This is called knowing the surprise. Chen died unsatisfied, went forward bravely, advanced and retreated moderately, even hitting and beating, without twisting back and forth, regardless of left and right. Few people are injured by the blade, and many people are injured by the enemy. This is called the power of business.
Power must be shaped, officers and men are specialized, talents are selected, and officials have their own people. They plan and decide, life and death are clear, and they are wrong and not surprised. So they don't have to hurry up the ladder to pull out the city, the battle will not be broken by the enemy, and the victory or defeat of the attack is also clear. Therefore, the soldiers do not win, do not pick up the blade; You don't have to take it if you attack. Therefore, before the war, the game was decided, and Ling moved successively. Therefore, the people can't get together, and the soldiers can't return. Only when there is no movement will movement shake the earth. Anti-Mount Tai, wandering around the world, ghosts and gods migrating, birds and animals frightened. In this way, there will be no school soldiers in the wild and no guarding city in the countryside. Calm down with impatience, treat with chaos, control with forbearance, and respond with inaction. Although the enemy failed to win, it is impossible for the enemy to win. If the enemy moves first, see its shape; If you are impatient and I am quiet, then you are exhausted. Seeing the shape can win, controlling the shape can be strong, and forcing the shape can stand. Depending on what they do, because of what they do; Look at the evil and be right, so as to control his life. It's enough for the bait to do what it wants. If there is a gap, fill the gap urgently, make radical changes and serve as well as possible. If the enemy is quiet, it will be surprising. He won't respond, but he will do his best. If you move and respond, you will see and do it, and then you will stick to the latter paragraph and follow it. People who have accumulated something will lose something. If the essence turns to the left, it will be trapped on the right. When the enemy fled, he would be able to move. The enemy can't be forced to move, and it is called late selection, striking it like thunder, cutting it like grass, shining it like thermal power, trying to get sick, people can't step on it, cars can't turn their hubs, soldiers can plant trees, and crossbows are like horns. Although there are many people, the situation is not dare.