Kasugabe Defence Force, Nohara Nosuke? The team composed of Nini Sakurada, Toru Kazama, A Dai and Masao Sato is committed to maintaining peace in Kasugabe (in the theatrical version, they are mostly combined in the form of defending peace).
In the 804 episode of Crayon Shinchan, Nini was moved by the dissolution of the singing group on TV. As a result, Shinchan and them were also moved and agreed to the dissolution proposal. On the day of dissolution, the scene was so touching that even the leopards in Rose Banchuan Village were moved. As a result, Xiao Xin held a reorganization ceremony immediately after their dissolution, which provoked the leopard in Hehe village to shout "Give me back my tears!"
Extended data
In the 20 13 theatrical version, because everyone accused Hazama jade of "helping others but getting himself into trouble", Hazama jade thought that everyone thought it was the fault of the defense team, so he dissolved the defense team with tears, and then Hazama jade's words automatically became invalid for various reasons.
In the 20 10 theatrical version, due to the participation of Xiao Xin and his parents, Xiao Xin changed the name of the defense group to "the strongest defense group in Kasugabe".
In the theatrical version of 20 12, the Kasugabe defense team changed its name to "earth defense team" because it mistakenly thought that Xiao Xin was captured by aliens, and conducted corresponding training.
20 15 theatrical version Xiao Xin immigrated to Mexico because of his father Hiroshi's work, and set up a Mexican defense team in Mexico to fight cactus eating.