Shang and Zhou Dynasties favored da ji, killed loyal ministers and enjoyed themselves. In the end, the Zhou tribe rose up against the Shang dynasty and defeated the Shang army in the battle of Makino, which laid a solid foundation for victory.
The West loves great success, covets pleasure, and even smiles for the rich and praises the princes, which leads to the alienation between the monarch and the minister. In the end, the dog broke the Hao well, the princes sat by, the king was killed, Bao was taken captive, and the Western Zhou Dynasty perished.
The Eastern Zhou Dynasty perished because the princes became bigger, and the royal family of the Zhou Dynasty declined, unable to control the overall situation. When Zhou Nanwang was in China, the country became weaker and weaker, and at the same time, internal struggles continued, even splitting into the Eastern Zhou Dynasty and the Western Zhou Dynasty. In the fifty-ninth year of King Kuai (256 BC), the Western Zhou Dynasty was destroyed by Qin. In the same year, the king died of illness, Qin seized the dominant position, and the Eastern Zhou Dynasty perished. Seven years later, the State of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty was also destroyed by the State of Qin.