The first is time. Education should start at an early age, and so should sheepdogs. When they are three months old, they can receive a series of training. The shepherd dog listens to his master. When the owner is sitting, the dog needs to squat next to the owner. At this time, the owner can make some slogans for dogs belonging to two people. This way the dog will only listen to you and practice again and again. In the long run, dogs will know their owners.
Eyes can also be a good expression of eating a person's emotions and commands. When training dogs, the owner must be strict and avoid giggling. When training, the owner should keep a strict attitude, let the dog know that it is training, and let it feel that the owner is very powerful, so that it will be willing to be conquered. Also, in the training process, if the dog doesn't want to, don't run to coax it immediately. If you run to coax him at once, he will give the dog a chance.
Owners should always communicate with dogs. Although the dog may not understand it, when it knows its environment, it will know the language it hears. No matter what kind of training, he must not be violent. Even if the dog makes a mistake, it can be punished appropriately, but it must pay attention to the appropriate reward, so as to train the dog's obedience ability well.