Nat 123 port mapping is a professional intranet port mapping software. After the mapping is started in the intranet, it can easily access and connect the intranet website and other applications in the external network.
There is no need to set up routers, public ip, fixed ip and dynamic domain names. Support any network and solve the speed bottleneck of mutual visits between different networks such as cross-network access and North-South interconnection. You can easily publish websites and other applications on the intranet.
Nat 123 port mapping software can access and connect intranet websites and other applications outside the network without setting routers, public ip, fixed ip, dynamic domain names and filing. Support any network and solve the speed bottleneck of mutual visits between different networks such as cross-network access and North-South interconnection.
Nat 123 port mapping software supports boot operation, automatic login, background mapping service functions, multiple internal network address formats, multi-port mapping, external network address domain name 80 port mapping, user-defined external network access ports, multi-site login mapping and pan-domain name mapping. The mapped website client users can access the real IP without losing it, intelligently and automatically detect the mapping status and prompt that they can use the custom free domain name.