Good quality can be said to be excellent quality or noble quality. If the noble quality is the average person, we can say that these words can be used to describe a person, and his quality is very good, very good. This meaning is concrete in life, and we have to look at some specific aspects of her performance.
What can a good quality say:
1. If it's a fake, I'll change it for you. It is mainly used as the propaganda slogan of the shop, and it will be quoted elsewhere, meaning "it must be true".
2. unique (dúyιwúr): it means that there is no similarity or comparison, and the description is very rare.
3. Good quality and low price (w OMI JiàLián): Generally speaking, things are cheap and of good quality.
The source of Qing Wu Ren Jian's Strange Situation in Recent Ten Years is the tenth time: "A friend from Suzhou wrote and printed a book.
"I've heard for a long time that you are cheap and good, and I'm here to ask."
4. There is a reputation (y ǒ u k 466u ji ē b ē i): a monument, a stone tablet that records merits; All, all.
Everyone's mouth is a living monument, a metaphor for everyone's universal praise.
5. Perfect (wán měi wú quē): perfect and beautiful, with no shortcomings.
From Yang Mo's Talking about the Image of Lin Daojing: "She is still fragile and not a perfect hero."