In order to reduce the resistance of the body better, we should pay attention to clench our teeth, shrug our shoulders slightly and keep streamlined during swimming. Before the arm starts paddling, the arm and head should be on the same level as the body, and the eyes should look at the bottom of the pool. Stretch your arms forward, press your shoulders and chest slightly downward, so that your hips are in a higher horizontal position, and your body should feel like sliding down the slope.
When the arm is paddling to generate electricity, the posture of the body will change, just like the posture of an airplane taking off. After kicking, try to relax and stay streamlined. This is the basic change posture when breaststroke swims in. Secondly, breaststroke leg movements. Most of the strength of breaststroke comes from the legs, and leg movements can be divided into leg adduction, eversion, kicking and sliding.
Once again, the breaststroke arm moves outward and strokes to both sides to shoulder width. Hold the water and put your hands together under your chin. Stretch forward, through stretching forward, elbows and shoulders, make your arms in a horizontal posture and stretch straight forward in a streamlined way.
Types of breaststroke and correct ventilation methods;
Breaststroke can be divided into flat frog and wave frog. The flat frog is suitable for ordinary people, and the wave frog is the wave breaststroke. The breathing of the wave breaststroke is accompanied by the wave-like movement of the body and trunk forward and upward. Keep your head as high as possible when inhaling, so that you can send your body forward more effectively.
Breaststroke, the air exchange ratio is one to one. Excellent athletes basically inhale at the end of the inner stroke. The second half of the arm stretches forward to exhale. This breathing technique is called late inhalation.