Influenced by the huge gravity, the celestial bodies near the black hole will fall into the accretion disk sooner or later, and even the light itself cannot escape. However, in the galaxy GSN 069, a star is expected to survive close contact with a black hole. The price is to absorb a lot of matter and turn it from a red giant into a white dwarf. In about one trillion years, it will become a real planet again.
In the universe, black holes regularly destroy stars, during which a spectacular "light show" will be staged. Recently, however, astronomers have discovered a situation that can survive, even if the subsequent fate is more dramatic.
Astronomer andrew kim said: When it first approached the black hole, it was still a red giant. But after that, the lighter hydrogen in its outer layer has been sucked away, leaving only a white dwarf.
Star trajectory map
White dwarfs are trapped in an elliptical orbit around a black hole, and the period of revolution lasts about 9 hours. Fortunately, it is always in an "unreachable" position, so it can avoid falling into a black hole.
However, this elliptical orbit is not completely unaffected by the gravity of the black hole. After each turn, you will find that it is thrown in a slightly different direction. In about two days, astronomers saw a trajectory similar to a rosette.
Astronomers revealed this story through X-ray analysis, which can be observed by NASA Chandra X-ray Observatory and XMM-Newton of ESA.
Andrew King noticed that the X-rays in GSN 069 would explode every nine hours like a pendulum, so he guessed that the star would bring X-rays when it was closest to the orbit of a black hole.
A quick look at a star can avoid a close call with a black hole.
This process will continue to strip the outer layer of this white dwarf, but it will not be swallowed up like other near-black hole objects. Because of the loss of mass, the size of the star will expand and the subsequent orbit will become more round.
In the end, this white dwarf will get rid of the dance of death with black holes and even become a planet in about one trillion years. However, since this guess is more than 70 times longer than the known history of the universe, it is not clear whether it can wait until that day.
p & gt
Astronomers confirmed the Schwarzschild precession of S2 star around the black hole at the center of the Milky Way.
For more information about "the price of survival: the galaxy GSN 069 black hole turns the star into a planet", please continue to pay attention to the deep space science and technology information column, and the deep space Bian Xiao will continue to update you with more science and technology news.
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