Under linux, you can check the connection status of ports, such as the number of connections, through the natstat command. For example, viewing the connection status of port 9090: viewing the connection status of a port netstat-nat|grep-iw"9090"|wc-l viewing the connection status netstat-nat|grep-iw"9090 ".
Linux looking for serial port?
1, the device entrance can check /dev/ttyS*, /dev/*uart* (main device number 4 or 204), the first serial port is usually ttyS0, *uart0 and other USB to serial port /proc/ devices are generally /dev/ttyUSB0* (main device number 188), the first. 3. The serial port is a communication port. If there are multiple serial port devices, you need to check which serial port is connected, such as cat/dev/ttyS0.
How to view the port of linuxtomcat?
1. Go to the tomcat configuration file and see what the port of tomcat is. The configuration file is generally: $CATALINA_HOME/conf/server. Look for this line. Here, the port is 8080.
2. Use the netstat command to check the occupancy. Netstat-ap|grep8080// Find out whether the tomcat port is occupied. 3. Other netstat-tln// means to check the listening port in digital form. Netstat-ap// View the usage of all applications.
How to view linux open ssh port?
See linux open ssh port specific steps are as follows:
1. First check whether the SSH package has been installed in linux, and use rpm-QA | grepsash.
2. Confirm that the ssh service has been started. Take centos system as an example.
3. The path to find the SSh service configuration file is usually the file sshd_config in the /etc/ssh directory. Note: SSH port defaults to 22. If you want to modify, edit port 22 directly. Please note that the preceding "#" should be deleted, then saved and restarted.
How does linux open and close ports?
First, check which ports netstat-anp has opened. Second, close the port number: iptables-a input-ptcp-drop port number -jdropptitables-aoutput-ptcp-dport port number-jdrop. Third, open the port number: iptables-a input-ptcp-dport port number -jACCEPT. Four, the following is the use of linux open port command. NC-LP23 (telnet) netstat-an | grep23 (check whether to open port 23) V. linux open port command Each open port needs a corresponding listener to suit the learning path of entry. Please read "This is how Linux should learn".