In the 23rd year of Huan Gong (663 BC), Shan Rong invaded Yan State, and Yan State asked Qi for help. The mountain entered Yan's territory, plundered his children and was submerged. As soon as he heard about Qi Normal University, he left. Huan went to Jiyumen Pass and rushed out. Thank you for your help. Guan Zhong said, "Shan Rong left without setbacks. If I leave, Shan Rong will definitely come again. It is better to use it to conquer one side. " Duke Huan agreed with Guan Zhong and conquered kindness and harmony. Yan Zhuanggong led his soldiers into the war and suggested not to take any country as a guide. Huan Gong prepared gold silks and sent GongSunJi's friends to recruit them. It is said that Wu Duanguo sent a general, Hu Yinbing, with Huan Gong as the pioneer.
When Milu, the master of Mountain Rong, heard that Qi soldiers were coming to attack, he sent him to battle at a rate of 3,000 yuan. Quick buying is a tactic used to ambush soldiers in the valley and wait for the arrival of the Qi army. Tiger arrived before the shift change, quickly bought more than 100 to fight, fought a few battles, quickly bought fraud and lost, introduced into the forest, blew his whistle, and the valley responded, cutting the soldiers in Tiger's class into two parts. Tiger squad beat you to death, and the horse was injured. Just when the Qi army brigade arrived, they quickly killed the soldiers who bought them and rescued Huben. The army marched eastward into Sanli, and the place name was Fulongshan. Huan Gong and He were tied to the mountain, but the father and He, the general of the State of Qi, did not camp at the foot of the mountain, and they all took cart contact as the city. Milu, the leader of Shanrong, personally led Su Mai and led more than 10,000 cavalry to challenge him. There were several conflicts in succession, but they were all blocked by the car city and could not get in. In the afternoon, the mountain soldiers were scarce, and they sat on the ground and cursed. Guan Zhong saw through Dan Rong's ambush plan, that is, he sent a tiger squad to lead the horse out at a gallop, and ordered his father to lead an army out of the left, while Bing had to lead an army out of the right, so the two roads met and killed the ambush. Tigers' heads were everywhere, and all the soldiers abandoned their horses and fled. Tiger's class is catching up. It recoiled when it heard Dazhai ring the golden bell. When Milu saw that the tiger's team didn't come after him, he shouted a whistle to attract all the people in the valley, hoping to chase them all out, but he was killed by two teams of soldiers. He was defeated and lost many people.
In order to prevent the Qi army from attacking, Milu smashed the Taniguchi of Yellow Mount Tai, the only way for the Qi army, with wood and stones, and cut off the dam to cut off water for the Qi army. Without water, it is difficult for the Qi army to move forward. Duke Huan ordered the sergeant to dig a mountain for water. Sun Jipeng said that the ant nest is famous for its water, so you can find an ant leech to dig it. The sergeant searched according to this method and found that the spring water was dug on the mountainside, and its taste was crisp. Duke Huan said, "Peng Ji is a saint!" Because its spring is called Shengquan, Fulongshan was changed to Shengquan Mountain. Rongjun smashed the valley mouth of Huangtaishan again, thinking that the Qi army could not pass. Guan Zhong ordered the guest to lead the way with a samurai, take the Sesame Ridge path and set out for six days. At the same time, he ordered the foot soldiers to fill each bag with soil, and first let people drive 200 empty cars to explore and fill the pit. At the end of this period, the army went to Taniguchi, shouting to bring wood and stones with them. Milu thinks he has no trouble. He likes to buy and drink quickly. Suddenly, he heard that the Qi army had entered, and quickly crossed the horse to meet the enemy. Before the confrontation began, the marked army led by also arrived. When he bought quickly, he knew that the path had been lost and he didn't want to fight again. He fled with the milu deer, fled to a remote bamboo village, abandoned a large number of tents for horses, cattle and sheep, and were captured by the Qi army. So he led the army into Shanrong, Qiu didn't attack, and all the people in China welcomed the Qi army.
In order to pursue the milu deer, the Qi army marched into the solitary bamboo country. The milu deer fled to the lonely bamboo country for help, and the monarch replied that he sent General Huang Bei to resist the Qi army. Marshal Huang Hua fought with the vanguard troops of the Qi army, regardless of the outcome. After the Qi army brigade arrived, Marshal Huang Hua was flustered and abandoned the army. Most of the 5,000 troops were killed by the Qi army, and the rest surrendered. Marshal Huang Hua fled to Wudi, the capital of China, and said to the monarch, "Qi Jun hates Milu. Only by cutting off the head of the milu deer monarch and minister and offering peace with Qi Jun can he retreat without fighting. " In his reply, he said, "Miluqiong is mine, why not sell it?" Prime Minister Wu Lugu offered a plan: "There is a dry sea in the north of the country, also known as the lost valley, which is a sandy land. At first glance, there are no aquatic plants, such as sand blowing, which is difficult to distinguish at close range. If you walk into the valley of loss, it's hard to go out. As long as you send a fake surrender and lure the Qi army here, you will die. " We will rectify the army and bide our time. "Respondents in Kazakhstan agreed to the plan, that is, send marshal Huanghua to surrender to the Qi army. Marshal Huang Hua met the milu deer on the road. In order to gain Qi Jun's trust, he beheaded the milu deer. You can't beat the yellow flowers if you buy them. He went to Tiger Wolf's camp alone and was killed by Tiger Wolf's class. At this point, all the monarchs and ministers of Shanrong were killed.
Marshal Huang Hua came to the Qi army with the head of the milu deer, presented the head of the milu deer, and said to Qi Huangong, "Our monarch fled to Shaqi to retaliate against foreign soldiers, but I advised him to surrender and refused to listen. Today, I beheaded the milu deer and put it in the account. I am willing to lead my military forces as a guide to pursue the monarch. " When Huan Gong saw the head of the Milu deer, he couldn't believe it, that is, he took the yellow flower as the front and led an army to chase the solitary bamboo king. Huanghua, please feel the way first. Duke Huan ordered Gao Hei to go with him, and the army followed. After entering the sand moraine, it was getting late and the yellow flowers had run out, but when I saw a flat sand surface, it was chilly and the wind shook, which surprised everyone. Many people fell down because of evil. Huan Gong sent an urgent order to retreat, and the front and rear teams have lost each other, bringing fire and destroying in case of wind. I saw the sky was dark, east and west, north and south, and I was at a loss. At dawn, I saw the valley sinister and winding, and there was no way to escape. Duke Huan is already very busy. Guan Zhong said that an old horse can find the way, and most of the horses in Tiger Class are from Mobei, so Tiger Class can choose some old horses to lead the way. Duke Huan did as he said, first took some old horses and made a detour, and finally solved Taniguchi.
Qi Huangong went out of the valley and led an army to attack Wudi City. Guan Zhong designed, ordered Tiger Ban to lead several confidants, pretending to be the people in the city, and mixed into the city, just waiting for the fire in the middle of the night; The Qi army was ordered to attack the east, south and west gates of Emperor Wu, leaving the north gate for him to escape. He also ordered his father and soldiers to ambush outside the north gate in two ways, only to wait for Li to leave the city. Huanghua was surprised that the Qi army arrived. He led the army and the people to guard the city. In the middle of the night, four or five fires broke out in the city. Hu Ban led more than ten people to cut down the south gate and let the Qi army enter the city. Huang Hua, the satrap, was at a loss and helped Li find his way to escape. He heard that there were no soldiers in the north gate, so he fled from the north gate, but he couldn't walk two miles and ambushed in two ways. Huanghua was killed and Ali was captured by Wang Zicheng's father. At dawn, Huan Gong entered the city, pleaded guilty to help evil, and beheaded his head and hung it at the north gate to guard against barbarians and appease the people.
Qi Huangong destroyed Shanrong and Solitary Bamboo, and gave the land under Koizumi Mountain to the country, with no final destination. In return for the tiger's help, he gave 500 Li of the land of mountain glory and solitary bamboo to the Yan state for management and reward to the three armed forces, and then moved troops back to China, and Duke Zhuang of Yan sent Huan out of the country.
In the 30th year of Huan Gong (656 BC), the southern State of Chu sent troops to attack the State of Zheng, who asked Qi for help. Together with teachers such as Lu, Song, Chen, Wei, Zheng, Xu and Cao, they first crusaded against Cai, an ally of Chu who betrayed the monarch. Qi Huangong pursued the victory and attacked Chu. The king of Chu became a soldier to fight. King Cheng first sent Qu Wan to Qi Ying to see Guan Zhong and asked, "Why did your army come to China?" Guan Zhong said, "In those days, my late Lord Taigong was appointed to Qi, and Kang Gong was sent to give my late Lord Taigong the right to crusade against princes and assist them. You, Chu, no longer enter Baomao, so that nothing is spilled during the sacrifice, so you condemn it; Zhao Haoqi's southern tour does not return to China, and I have come to ask. " Qu Wan said, "Zhou is out of line, and the tribute is lacking. The world is the same. Is it because Nanjing and Zhao Wang did not return, but because of plastic boats? Ask Hanshui. " Come back when you finish your speech. Guan Zhong said to Huan Gong, "Chu people are stubborn and their tongues can't bend. They should move forward. " So the eight armies started together until Langshan, not far from the Hanshui River. Guan Zhong ordered the station to be stationed and not to move forward. The governors all said, "The troops are going deep. Why not cross the Hanshui River and fight to the death and stay here? " Guan Zhong said, "When Chu sends an envoy, he must be prepared. Once soldiers meet, they can't get together. I'm here to station troops and observe the situation from a distance. Chu is afraid that I will be strong, and then he will send an envoy to discuss it. Is it okay to ask Chu to go out and serve Chu? " Sure enough, as Guan Zhong expected, King Chu Cheng had worshipped Dou as a general and stationed troops in Hannan, waiting for the vassal soldiers to cross the Hanshui River and invite them to attack. At present, soldiers from eight countries are stationed on this land. Wen Zi said: "Guan Zhong knows soldiers, but he can't be completely defeated. There must be a plan to stay with the people of the eight countries now. You can send people to explore their strength, examine their intentions, or fight or make peace. It's not too late. " When you become king, I will send you to the Qi army. When Huan Gong asked him what he wanted, he said, "My husband asked you for it because he didn't pay tribute. I know the crime. If you are willing to give up your teacher, I dare to listen! " Duke Huan agreed to retire and stay in Zhaoling. After paying back the money to the king of Chu, he still ordered him to send eight carts of gold and silver silk, and then took a cart of Bao Mao to Zhaoling to pay tribute to Zhou.
Qi Huangong's series of actions greatly enhanced the prestige of Qi among the princes. In the thirty-fifth year of Huan Gong (65 BC1), Qi Huangong called the vassal states (now Lankao East, Henan Province) as the leader, and the monarchs of Lu, Song, Wei, Zheng, Xu and Cao all came to the meeting. King Xiang of Zhou also sent the Duke of Zhou to attend, and gave money (meat sacrifice hall), Tong Gongya and Dalu (princes' court).