1. Turn off the firewall: the service iptables stops.
2. Turn off the mandatory mode of SELINUX: setenforce 0, which cannot be ignored. If setenforce 1, many * * * enjoyment will be unsuccessful.
3. Build a Yum warehouse. Open the CentOS-Base.repo file in the /etc/yum.repos.d directory.
4. Install Samba package online and start to install Samba.
Yum installs samba samba-client samba-swat, and the installation process is no longer mapped.
5. Check the installation: rmp -qa|grep samba
After the samba server is installed, the configuration file directory /etc/samba and other samba executable command tools will be generated. /etc/samba/smb.conf is the core configuration file of samba, and /etc/init.d/smb is the startup/shutdown file of samba.
Step 6 configure Samba services
First, navigate to the /etc/samba directory, and then return to cpsmb.conf.bak. Now share the /share directory * * * to the computer, open the samba configuration file, and use shift+g to navigate vi /etc/samba/smb.conf to the last line. You can see:
Revise as follows:
7. Save and exit: wq, restart samba service.
Create the /share directory mkdir /share and set chmod 777/share-note: this is risky, so you can enjoy the effect of this step first, and then learn the safety precautions slowly.