Now we are engaged in a great civil war, which is a war to test whether this country or any other country like us, conceived in freedom and abiding by its ideas, can survive for a long time. We are gathered in a great battlefield in this war and dedicate a piece of land on this battlefield to those who sacrificed their lives here for the survival of this country as their final resting place. It is entirely appropriate and correct for us to do so. However, in a broader sense, we can't dedicate this land-we can't make it sacred.
-We can't make it brilliant. Because those warriors who fought here, whether alive or dead, have consecrated this land, which is far from our meager strength to increase or decrease. The world seldom pays attention to what we have said here, let alone remembers it. However, they will never forget what these brave people have done here. On the contrary, we living people should devote ourselves to the work that the brave did not fight for, and those who fought here bravely advanced this work. We should devote ourselves to the great task before us-because of their glorious sacrifice, we will devote ourselves even more to the cause for which they have devoted everything.
We must make up our minds not to let those who died repent of their sacrifices. We must give this country a new free life under the protection of God. We must make this democratic government of the people, by the people and for the people not disappear from the earth.