The skill of raising the flag is very important, because it needs to show the unity and discipline of the army. When pulling the flag, the soldiers must first line up according to the unified instructions, then shout slogans in unison, and raise their own flags together, and then hold them high in the air to express their joy in defeating the enemy.
There are also some rules for raising the flag. For example, in cold or stormy weather, soldiers are not allowed to use gloves or other items to raise the flag. They must show their courage and determination with their bare hands. When pulling the flag, you should also pay attention to the soldiers' posture and expression, the display height and angle of the flag, etc. To ensure a sense of ceremony and solemnity.
Although the flag-raising is no longer the only victory ceremony in the war, its symbolic significance and solemn feeling are still widely used in modern society. For example, in sports competitions, the winning team usually displays its national flag at the award ceremony; In political and cultural activities, relevant organizations will also use flags to express their positions and views in publicity activities. Therefore, as a traditional ceremony, flag-raising has changed, but its symbolic significance and cultural heritage are still very deep, which is worth cherishing and inheriting.