-Total population:1249; Agricultural population:12; Non-agricultural population: 1237.
—— Administrative area: 6.9 square kilometers; Cultivated land area: 1 129.8 mu.
-Major ethnic groups: development slogans of Han, Buyi and Yi;
-Villages under its jurisdiction: Tianwan Formation, Rongniba Formation, Datiankan Formation, Qinjiaba Formation, etc. Gross output value 1 ten thousand yuan.
-Main economic industries: rice, corn, honeysuckle and potatoes. High-quality specialty: honeysuckle office location: the middle of Dalong Hammer Village.
Luoda Hammer Village is adjacent to Niu Jiao Village, Pogong Village, Lugong Village, Ma 'an Village, Xinjia Village, Bali Village, Muzha Village, Xiangle Village and Zheyue Village.
There are 7 1 Caozhi Street, Dushan Cave Group, Xiangchehe Ethnic Village, Longtou Mountain, Qianxiang Grassland and other tourist attractions near Daluochui Village, and there are specialties such as Anlong Bletilla striata, Anlong Dendrobium, Anlong honeysuckle, cakes and dog meat in southwest Guizhou.