Port 0: Reserved (usually used to analyze the operating system). 1: TCPMUX (TCP port service multiplexer), transmission control protocol port service multiplexer. 2. compressenet (compressenet management utility) and compressenet management utility. 3: Compression inet (compression process), compression process. 5: Remote job input and remote job login. 7: Echo, echo. 9: discard, discard. 1 1: active users, online users. 13: daytime, time. 17: same-day quotation, daily quotation. 18: Message sending protocol. 19: Character generator. 20: FTP (file transfer protocol [default data], file transfer protocol (default data port). 2 1: FTP (file transfer protocol [control]), file transfer protocol (control). 22: Remote Login Protocol. 23: Telnet, terminal emulation protocol. 24: Private mail system, reserved for personal mail system. 25: Simple Mail Transfer, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. 27: NSW user system Fe, NSW user system field engineer. 29: msgicp.31:msgauthentication, msg authentication. 33: Display support protocol, display support protocol. 35: Dedicated printer server, reserved for personal printer service. 37: Time, time. 38: Routing Access Protocol. 39: Resource Location Protocol. 4 1: graph, graph. 42: WINS host name server, WINS host name service. 43: Who is who, "nickname" who is the service. 44: MPM marking protocol, MPM (Message Processing Module) marking protocol. 45: message processing module [recv], message processing module. 46:MPM[ default sending], message processing module (default sending port). 47: niftp 48: Digital audit daemon, digital audio background service. 49: Login Host Protocol (TACACS), TACACS login host protocol. 50: Remote Mail Inspection Protocol. 5 1: IMP logical address maintenance, IMP (Interface Information Processor) logical address maintenance. 52: xns time protocol, the time protocol of Xerox network service system. 53: domain name server, domain name server. XNS clearing house, the clearing house of Xerox network service system. 55: ISI graphic language, ISI graphic language. 56: XNS certification, Xerox network service system verification. 57: Any dedicated terminal access is reserved for personal terminal access.
59: Private file service, keep personal file service. 6 1: Nimar, Nimar. 62: ACA service, asynchronous communication adapter service. 63: WHOIS+.64: Communication Integrator (CI), communication interface. 65:TACACS- database service, TACACS database service. 66. Oracle Bone Inscriptions SQL * net.67. Bootstrap Protocol Server, Bootstrap Protocol Server. 68: Bootstrap Protocol Client, Bootstrap Protocol Client. 69: Small File Transfer, Small File Transfer Protocol. 70: gopher, information retrieval protocol. 7 1: Remote Job Service. 72: Remote operation service, remote operation service. 73: Remote operation service, remote operation service. 74: Remote operation service, remote operation service. 75: Any private dial-out service is reserved for personal dial-out service. 76: Distributed external object storage, distributed external object storage. 77: Any private rje service, reserved for personal remote operation input service. 78: vettcp, modified tcp. 79: FINGER, finger (query information such as online users of remote hosts). 80: World Wide Web HTTP, hypertext transfer protocol of the World Wide Web.
82: xfer utility, transport utility. 83: MIT ML equipment, modular intelligent terminal ML equipment. 84: public tracking facilities, public tracking equipment. 85: MIT ML equipment, modular intelligent terminal ML equipment. 86: microfocucobol, programming language. 87: Dedicated terminal link, reserved for personal terminal connection.
88:Kerberos, security authentication system. 89: SU/MIT Telnet Gateway, SU/MIT Terminal Simulation Gateway. 90: DNSIX security attribute token diagram, DNSIX security attribute label diagram. 9 1: MIT Dover winder, Dover spool. 92: Network Printing Protocol. 93: Device Control Protocol. 94: Tivoli object scheduler, Tivoli object scheduler.
95: SUPDUP .96: Dixie protocol specification, Dixie protocol specification. 97: Swift Remote Virtual File Protocol, Fast Remote Virtual File Protocol. 98: TAC News, TAC (Tokyo University Automatic Computer) news protocol. 99: Metasyntax Relay. 100:new acct[ unauthorized use].