Connect to the Linux system remotely, and make sure that the MySQL database is installed on the Linux system. Log in to the database. Mysql -uroot -p (password)
Create a remote connection for users to use.
Grant all permissions on *. * TO 'itoffice'@'%' is identified by' itoffice' with GRANT option;
(The first I office indicates the user name,% indicates that all computers can connect, or you can set an ip address to run the connection, and the second I office indicates the password).
Execute refresh permission; The order takes effect immediately.
Users who query the database (seeing the following indicates that the new user was created successfully)
SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT ('user:'', user,'' @'', host,''';' ) as a query from mysql.user;
Use the exit command to exit MySQL.
Then open vim/etc/MySQL/my.cnf.
Binding address = 127.0.0. 1.
Set to bind-address = (device address).
Restart (the command is as follows):
/etc/init.d/mysql stop.
/etc/init.d/mysql startup
View port number
Display global variables, such as "port";
Set up the navicat connection.
Click on the connection test, and the following content indicates success.