Police crack down on fake Altman Recently, the police seized such a batch of fake Altman and cracked down on a gang that collected fake products. One member of the counterfeiting gang worked in a factory and became the mole in this fake. By stealing the model and specific parameters, and then disassembling and opening the model with the purchased genuine products, Jia Altman was manufactured. Before the police smashed the gang, the gang had sold nearly 20,000 counterfeit Altman units and made an illegal profit of more than 4 million yuan.
How to treat it? Many people may not know much about toy mold opening. Although the price of a toy is not high, the cost of mold opening is basically hundreds of thousands to millions. In other words, before making toys, you need to invest hundreds of thousands to millions to open the mold, rather than the specific production. So the copyright of toys is also protected in China. This time, criminal gangs stole specific parameters and mold opening parameters, which greatly reduced the cost and started their own illegal profit path, so such gangs must be cracked down.
Why focus on genuine products Many people have heard the slogan of focusing on genuine products, but some people think that the price of genuine products is really more expensive. But you should know that the price of these toys is not a problem for children, but safety is the problem. Many illegal vendors sell pirated toys, and usually use some fake and shoddy materials in the manufacturing process, and even some materials contain some toxic substances. Buying these toys for children is cheap, but the safety is not guaranteed.
Therefore, in the process of buying toys for children, parents should not only pay attention to genuine products, but also pay attention to the material safety of toys. Of course, you should buy toys according to your ability. Pirated goods can never replace the original, and there is no way to replace the value carried by the original, so I still hope that everyone will support the original.