The location where the coffin is parked will generally be placed in the west of the main hall, and then a mourning hall will be set up. Children and grandchildren will wake up day and night. Under normal circumstances, it will be buried within three days. Some people also bury the dead in ancestral temples or Buddhist temples. From funeral to burial, during this period, the mourners prepare graves and coffins for the mourners and prepare for the funeral.
Interval time, with regional habits, is different. In the funeral system of the Zhou Dynasty, this time interval was very long: the emperor was seven months, the vassal was five months, the doctor was three months, and the scholar and Shu Ren were one month. By the Han Dynasty, the burial period was greatly shortened. Except for Emperor Wen of Han Dynasty, it was seven months, Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty only had eighteen days, and Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty had eleven days. The length of people varies, there is no fixed number, and they are basically determined by themselves according to the situation of bereavement.
Matters needing attention in mourning
When handling the funeral, we should respect the wishes of the deceased and their families, and try our best to arrange the funeral according to the requirements and habits of the deceased before his death, so that the dignity and value of the deceased can be fully reflected. Every region and culture has its own funeral customs and etiquette, and should try to follow local traditions. Knowing the local customs and etiquette can make the funeral more solemn and appropriate and meet the social and cultural requirements.
Funeral needs involve certain economic expenses and should be arranged reasonably according to the family's economic strength. Don't pursue luxury and waste, pay attention to practicality and thrift, and avoid bringing too much burden to the family. During the funeral, mourners come to express their grief and comfort their families, and should be given full attention and care.
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