The way to live is diligence. Therefore, Shao Ziyun said: "A day's plan lies in the morning, a year's plan lies in the spring, and a lifetime's plan lies in diligence." Although the words are close, the purpose is far away!
The sage of Dayu, cherish the inch Yin; Tao Kan is a saint, and cherish Yin, and a saint, not the other?
Nothing is more important than working hard to make a living. Therefore, Mr. Shao said, "A day's plan lies in the morning, a year's plan lies in the spring, and a lifetime's plan lies in diligence." Although these words are simple, they have far-reaching significance!
People like Dayu are so outstanding in wisdom and talent that they cherish every inch of time; People like Tao Kan are so noble and cherish every minute. What's more, they can't compare with them in talent and morality?
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