At present, the intermediate economist exam has entered the countdown stage. I don't know how you are preparing. If intermediate economists want to pass the exam quickly, candidates should pay attention to some skills besides preparing for the exam every day.
It is suggested that candidates can simply browse the problems behind the case before analyzing the problems, and then we can read the dry goods required by these problems. It is much more convenient to choose the answer in this way. It is not recommended that you read the material first, because it wastes time and adds many interference options.
Since it is the final stage, the materials to be used should be used, especially for candidates with 0 foundation, it is still difficult to rely on themselves. For example, taking papers or taking video courses can save them a lot of time and energy. As far as I know, many video courses now have intensive training courses before the exam, which can help you summarize and predict the major test sites. As long as you master what the teacher says, passing is not a problem. Interested candidates can learn about the knowledge test papers of Knowledge Test Network by themselves, and candidates can choose according to their actual situation.