Gender: Female
Zodiac: sheep
Birthday: 65438+10.9.
Language: Mandarin
Constellation: Libra
English name: cici
Album: Miss 72
Title song: fly
Fan bracket color: red
Fan slogan: Chen Hong Chen Hong, dazzling star, come on Chen Hong!
Fan name: Little Red Riding Hood
Favorite stars: Avril Ramona Lavigne, Beyonce, Rihanna and May.
Hobbies: singing, sleeping, eating snacks, surfing the Internet and swimming.
Specialty: singing and dancing.
Favorite food: ice cream, dessert, biscuits, jelly, Oreo, Wangzai milk.
Favorite fruits: watermelon, mango, etc.
Favorite animals: snails, rabbits, dogs, turtles.
Self-evaluation: sleepy, handsome loli, of all ages.
Personal characteristics: strong explosive force and internationalization.
Favorite colors: red, pink and white.
Friends in the circle: Yang Yang, Minnie, Duan Linxi, Change Lu, Dany Lee, Wang Yijie, etc.
Nicknames of fans include: Boss, 72, Wife, Baby, Red Generation, Red, chenchen, Little Meat Bag, Tile Stick Bag and so on.
Motto: Look at the world with the attitude of 72!