Need multiple linux machines as a cluster environment.
In addition, linux machines are required to include maven environment and java environment.
Github address: /alibaba/nacos
Create a new cluster.conf file, or rename cluster.conf.example to cluster.conf.
Add the cluster address and port number to the file.
Create a new file or rename to
Execute the script in the bin directory.
Ps: sh starts in cluster mode by default, and sh -m standalone starts in stand-alone mode.
After successful startup, visit the address (ip:8848/nacos/#/login), user name and password of each machine: nacos/nacos.
If everyone can visit normally, then everything is normal.
Start the project, and you can see the related logs of nacos connection in the background.
And the project can read the configuration content normally, then everything is normal.
If you use jenkins to deploy the project, you need to modify jenkins' nacos configuration so that it can correctly read every machine in the nacos cluster.