The chaos of heaven and earth is like a chicken, which comes from the Three Kingdoms, the State of Wu and Xu's "Three Five Calendars". The original text is: heaven and earth are chaotic like chickens, in which Pangu was born, eight thousand years old; Heaven and earth open up, sunny is the sky, cloudy is the ground; Among them, Pangu changed nine times a day. God is in heaven, holy on earth, the sky is ten feet high, the earth is ten feet thick, and Pangu is ten feet long: so for eight thousand years, the number of days is extremely high, the earth is extremely deep, and Pangu is extremely long. Later, Huang San from the beginning, three stand, five, seven and sheng, nine and in, so the day to nine Wan Li.
In ancient times, there was no sky and no land, and there was chaos and darkness everywhere, but after 18 thousand years in this darkness, a god with infinite power was born. His name is Pangu. When Pangu woke up and opened his eyes, he couldn't see anything, so he picked up a magic axe, shouted and slammed around. Everything that is light and clear floats upward, forming a sky, while things that are heavy and turbid sink downward, forming a land. Pangu stood in the middle of heaven and earth so as not to let them overlap. Every day, the land is getting taller and thicker, and Pangu is getting taller and taller. In this way, after another 18 thousand years, the sky became extremely high and the ground became extremely thick, but Pangu was tired and never got up again.
Pangu's head turned into a mountain, his limbs into pillars of the sky, his eyes into the sun and the moon, his blood into a river, his hair and skin into flowers and plants, his breath into the wind, his cries into thunder, his tears into showers and rain to nourish the earth.
Pangu created heaven and earth, dedicated everything to heaven and earth, made the world rich and colorful, and Pangu became the greatest god.