The expression 1: App failed to send any instructions. Expression 2: The App map does not update the current position and time of the watch. Cause of sending location failure: the watch cannot connect to the server. Treatment: Check whether the GSM signal of the watch is normal and whether there is E 1. Check whether the SIM card installed in the watch can support 2G data traffic, and the watch can only use 2G traffic. 2. Check whether the server parameters of the watch, including IP, port and ID, correspond to the server. Check the parameters. Generally, when the watch is turned on, you send a text message to the SIM card in the watch with your mobile phone. To buy a watch, you need to install a card and start it normally: pw, 123456, ts# (punctuation and letters are sent, and short messages must be sent under English input method). If the transmission is successful, the watch will reply with a short message.