Freedom, equality and fraternity are the slogans of the French bourgeois revolution and the modern ideological tradition of the western world, but the understanding of these three values is mostly superficial. On the surface, freedom, equality and fraternity are social human values that can be juxtaposed, but after careful scrutiny, we can find that they are not completely different things. As an isolated individual, human beings can never survive. His way of life is family, society and country. Family rule is fraternity, society rule is equality, and the country rule is freedom. If the rules of the country become tyrannical, the country will eventually disintegrate, if the society is unequal. There will be a series of problems. Without love, the family will undoubtedly be divided. Family, society and country, Rousseau's theory is formed through contract. On the surface, it has this form. In fact, it is a combination of * * *. General will is different from contract. The contract is only a temporary plan and the system is a long-term intention. * * * means the basis of public will, which is the overlap of private independent spaces and belongs to overlapping spaces. The value of overlapping space lies in communication, which is the same as the demand for public communication space in any building.
True freedom is the coexistence of private will, * * will and general will. It is a paradox that private will and * * * will damage or violate the general will. From this perspective, freedom is ethics, equality is ethics, fraternity is ethics, and it is a different expression of human will. General will is the greatest value of freedom, so there is reason to form violent will. Rational logic and human ethics are not antagonistic, and the natural development of logic forms ethics. Rational logic is not spatial in nature, but historical in time. Historical logic is dialectics and the time expression of spatial relations. Spatial relationship is ethics, and time logic is law. The ethics of freedom is restricted by the space appeal of freedom and the logic of time, forming the law of human nature.