QIT quality improvement group quality improvement group
PDCA Plan Implementation Inspection Summary of Action Plan Implementation Inspection
ZD zero defect
QI quality improvement quality improvement
QP quality policy objective policy
total quality control (TQC)
MRB Material Rejection Doc Return Doc
LQL limits the quality level to the minimum quality level.
RMA material return audit material return approval
Qan Quality Improvement Notification Quality Improvement Activities
ADM absolute size measurement full size measurement
Quality objective
7 QC tools 7 quality control tools 7 quality control technologies
Universal component class
Engineering change notice engineering change notice (supplier)
ECO Engineering Change Order Engineering Change Requirements (Customer)
PCN process change notice operation change notice
PMP product management plan production control plan
SIP specification in process inspection specification
SOP standard operating procedure manufacturing operation specification
Is the inspection specification a finished product inspection specification?
Bill of materials bill of materials
PS packaging specifications packaging specifications
DWG sketch