Windows Server 20 12 R2 opens a specific port.
The server of this company is Windowser Server 20 12 R2. When tomcat was newly added today, the port of tomcat was changed, and it was found that the external network could not be connected, and the local connection was fine.
I also used the external network to ping, which is the same. I used the external network to detect the port and found that the port was closed (the external network was closed because the local connection was available).
Attach a solution:
Open a specific port:
Port 80 is open. If you want to change other ports, it is the same step.
"Control Panel → System and Security →Windows Firewall" of Win7 system, and click "Advanced Settings" in the left menu.
Windows 8/8. 1 and Windows Server 20 12 use Win+X to search the firewall, and then open it.
Right-click Inbound Rule, and then click New Rule from the pop-up menu.
new rules
In Type of Rule to Create, click Port. Next, select "TCP", click "specific local port" and fill in the port number 80.
Fill in the port number 80.
Fill in the port number 80.
Click "Next", click "Allow Connection", then click "Next", check the options such as domain, private or * * * according to the actual situation and needs of users, and finally name this rule.
Allow connection
Check the options such as domain, private or * * * as required.
Rule naming
After the setup is completed, other computers can access port 80 of your system smoothly.