SQL> calls DBMS _ xdb.cfg _ update (updatexml (DBMS _ xdb.cfg _ get ()),
2 '/xdb config/sys config/protocol config/MIT;
Submission completed.
SQL & gtexec dbms _ xdb.cfg _ refresh
[Oracle @ test 1 1 Oracle]$ sqlplus/nolog
SQL*Plus: Version on Saturday, August 6th, 2005 14:24:49.
Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Bone Inscriptions company. property in copyright
SQL> connects as sysdba/
-change the HTTP/WEBDAV port from 8080 to 808 1.
SQL> calls DBMS _ xdb.cfg _ update (updatexml (DBMS _ xdb.cfg _ get ()),
2 '/xdb config/sys config/protocol config/pleted。
-change the FTP port from 2 100 to 211.
SQL> calls DBMS _ xdb.cfg _ update (updatexml (DBMS _ xdb.cfg _ get ()),
2 '/xdbconfig/sys config/protocol config/FTP config/FTP-port/text()',2 1 1 1))
3 /
Submit by SQL >
Submission completed.
SQL & gtexec dbms _ xdb.cfg _ refresh
PL/SQL procedure completed successfully.
-Check whether the modification was successful.
SQL & gtselect DBMS _ xdb . CFG _ get from dual;
& ltxdbconfig xmlns = "/xdb/xdbconfig . xsd " xmlns:xsi = " stat-ntlp
(Not all processes can be identified, not all process information.
No, you must be root to see all this. )
Active Internet connection (server only)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q local address external address status PID/ program name
TCP 0000.0.0: 32768 0.0.0: * Listen-
TCP 00127.0.0.1:32769 * Listen-
TCP 0000.0.0: 240100.0.0: * Listen-
Tcp 0000.0.0.0: 33730 0.0.0: * list EN 14987/ora_d000_szdb.
TCP 0000.0.0: 873 0.0.0: * Listen-
TCP 0000.0.0:1100.0.0: * Listen-
TCP 0000.0.0.0:11100.0.0: * Listen-
TCP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0:808 1 0 0 0 0 0:* list EN 2473/tnslsnr
Tcp 0000.0.0:152100.0.0: * list EN 2473/tnslsnr.
TCP 00127.0.0.1:6310.0.0: * Listen-
TCP 0000.0.0: 25 0.0.0: * Listen-
Tcp 0000.0.00: 21100.0: * list EN 2473/tnslsnr.
TCP 00::11009:: * Listen-
TCP 00:: ffff:* Listen-
TCP 00:: ffff: * Listen-
TCP 00::: 9090:: * Listen-
TCP 00:: ffff: * Listen-
TCP 00::12009:: * Listen-
TCP 00::: 8080:: * Listen-
TCP 00::: 80:: * Listen-
TCP 00::: 22:: * Listen-
TCP 00:: ffff: * Listen-