[Interpretation] Wealth can't confuse his mind, poverty can't make him change his moral integrity, and power can't make him yield. Only by doing these three things can you be called a gentleman. Mencius' words have been passed down from generation to generation, inspiring countless Chinese sons and daughters.
Original: The second chapter under Teng Wengong.
Jingchun said, "Gongsun Yan and Zhang Yi are real men! In a rage, the governors are all afraid and the world is destroyed. Mencius said, "A gentleman is a gentleman. Haven't you learned manners? The husband's crown is also the father's life; A woman's marriage is also her mother's order. When you arrive at the door, you will be warned: "When you arrive at your daughter's house, you will be respected and warned, and there is nothing against your master. By the way, be a concubine. Live in the world, stand in the right position in the world and be the best in the world; Success depends on the people, not alone; Wealth can't be lewd, poverty can't be moved, and power can't be bent: this is called a gentleman. 」
Jingchun said, "Isn't Gongsun Yan Yi Cheung a gentleman? When angry, governors are afraid; If you live in peace, there will be no conflict in the world. "
Mencius said, "How can this be regarded as a gentleman? Haven't you learned manners? When the man was crowned, his father punished him; When a woman gets married, her mother exhorts her and sends her to the door in person, telling her that obedience is the truth of being a wife. Live in the most spacious house in the world, stand in the most upright position in the world and walk on the most spacious avenue in the world. If you can realize your ambition, you will realize it with the people. If you can't realize your ambition, you should stick to your principles alone, not be tempted by wealth, shaken by poverty, or surrendered by force. This is called a gentleman. "
Wealth can't be lewd, poverty can't be moved, and power can't be bent. This famous saying, which was put aside by everyone as a warning and encouragement, came from Yasheng.
The former residence of Mencius is located in the village of 13km south of Qufu, and it is the birthplace of Mencius. The east and west streets in the village are the "Hometown Street of Mencius", and the north and south of the road block are the former residence of Mencius, with the existing main hall. There is a pool in front of the temple, named "Meng Mu Pool". There is a small river in the west of Chixi, named Baima River. Bridge across the river to the west, and Lunan is the "old well of Meng Mu", which was the place where Meng Mu pumped water. Later generations rebuilt it many times.
Monk really became Mencius by his mother. When Mencius was three years old, his father died, leaving orphans and widows to live hard. Mother lives on home textiles. However, she is a strong-willed and strong-minded woman. Regardless of the hardships of life, in order to get a good education for the young monk, she moved to seek a teacher three times, making Mencius a useful person and not helping the poor, setting an example for Mencius that "poverty is immovable." When Meng didn't learn well, his mother failed to teach him the loom and made him wrong. His mother's influence on Mencius' life is beyond doubt. Under the strict discipline of my mother, I guess Mencius' expression is serious and cold, and his character can also be read out in his compassionate remarks handed down from generation to generation, just fu.
There are at least three versions of Mencius' year of birth and death, which is impossible to study. He lived in the middle of the Warring States Period, which was the most turbulent period in China's history. His compassionate character also comes from the fact that he witnessed one bloody war after another. At that time, after the battle of Changping, more than 400,000 Zhao prisoners were buried alive! Although soldiers have ominous thoughts of killing the enemy and surrendering, the cruelty of war has dehumanized the war machines of various countries. At that time, it can be said that the whole country was full of soldiers. /kloc-Men from all countries between 0/5 and 60 years old must perform military service for the country, in fact, all men above 15, because the average life expectancy of ancient men is definitely less than 60 years (it took 40 years for New China to reach 69 years per capita! )。 There are also statistics showing that in the war of annexation, Qin killed 1.92 million soldiers! Therefore, it is really difficult for him to have a leisurely and elegant mood like his founder Confucius. He was proud of his student Ceng Zi's ideal description of swimming, singing and walking in spring. Therefore, as far as personal character is concerned, Mencius may be a boring person, but his thoughts are awe-inspiring.
First of all, I was interested in Yasheng's civilian thoughts and realistic critical remarks, which showed deep concern for the chaotic world and hard people's livelihood and are still used as sharp weapons today. Mencius once cursed and said, "There is no one in the world who doesn't like killing people!" "There are fat horses, hungry people and hungry savages in the stable" condemns social injustice, and even points to the destruction of society and the destruction of life caused by wars waged by monarchs of various countries. When Taishiling wrote a biography of Mencius, he read Meng's book. When Liang asked "why is it good for our country", he threw the book away and sighed: "Alas, it's really the beginning of sincere chaos! "When the monarch only seeks the private interests of public office, the minister only seeks the private interests of the family, and the scholar only seeks the private interests of flies, then social chaos will occur. Question with President Kennedy "What have I done for my country?" Liang's right "profit" problem is really too philistine.
"People are the most important, the country is the second, and the monarch is the least" embodies Mencius' people-oriented thought. The people are the most important, the country is the second, and the monarch is lighter than the country. To put it more bluntly, when the monarch endangers the country, the monarch can be replaced and the people are irreplaceable. This is a public sermon in the era of "the son of heaven is ordered by heaven", and it is also bold. Of course, the dictatorship of that day has been weakened by the continuous annexation war, and the more severe dictatorship era is still 100 years later, and it has not yet arrived.
It also points out the importance of "popular support", and "it is precisely because of the people that the son of heaven is", so this day-that is, the support of the people, is the basis of political legitimacy. Mencius once said to Wang Wei: "All the officials in the world want to stand in the dynasty, all the cultivators want to plow in the king's field, all the merchants want to hide in the king's city, and all the trips want to draw on the king." All the people who want to get sick with their king want to see him. If so, how can it be royal! " Isn't this a mockery of the practice of the Democratic Republic of Germany to imprison people with reinforced concrete, barbed wire and tanks and prevent them from fleeing?
It is the development of these thoughts that formed his political proposition, that is, to implement a "benevolent government" that is close to the people, loves the people and is people-oriented.
The phrase "those who have constant income have perseverance" still has guiding significance for today's city managers and state leaders. When many big cities are implementing the Begging Prohibition Law and the police are driving away beggars, have these city managers ever reflected on Mencius' statement? When the government pursues the expulsion policy based on various illegal and criminal acts of beggars, what is the difference with the government framing the people? Why did Mencius say that? He believes that without a stable income from work as a guarantee of life, only people with high moral character can maintain good moral quality. Without a stable income from work, ordinary people will not be stable, but will indulge, cheat, do everything and take risks. When these people commit crimes, the state will punish them with punishment, which is equivalent to the state deliberately guiding the people and arresting them with a net. Therefore, a wise monarch creates a stable life for the people, so that they will not be displaced, so that they can support their parents and their wives and children all over the world, and "enjoy their days, never die or fall", which is the minimum requirement for managers. Nowadays, some city managers not only fail to make them "permanent property", but expel them from the country. Is this a people-oriented "benevolent policy"?
The answer ends here.
Also remind the landlord that your question seems to have been sent to the wrong area.