Naxi University is the king of small auspicious plants and the king of great compassion. Because of the mistakes of the Red King, taboo knowledge has brought great negative effects to desert people. The red king sacrificed himself, and the merciful king has exhausted his strength and become a child, that is, the king of small auspicious plants.
But as the queen of Ranegia, she also lost a lot of her own wisdom and strength, and no longer has her previous abilities and memories, so she can also regard them as different gods.
Extract suggestions
The grass god Naxi Da is certainly worth refining. First of all, according to the convention of the game, the strength of each god is impossible to be weak, otherwise it will be easily criticized by players. At the same time, Nashida has the ability to hang grass in the background for a long time, which is very effective in assisting the team to strengthen and bloom.
Naxi da ji's elemental fighting skills can basically keep the enemy attached to grass elements all the time. At the same time, Naxi da ji's talent can also add element mastery to the characters in the team, which can greatly improve the damage of element reaction to the players again. Whether it is the strengthening team or the blooming team, it can be said that Naxi University is one of the roles that must be wooed.