When King Zhouzhuang was in power, Ji was named Prince. In the year of his accession to the throne (68 BC1), Qi Huangong, with the assistance of Guan Zhong, governed Qi and made Qiang Bing rich. In order to compete for hegemony in the name of Zhou Wang, he accepted Guan Zhong's suggestion, put forward the slogan of "respecting the king and rejecting foreign countries", and said that he would honor Zhou Wang and resist the attack and plunder of ethnic minorities on the Central Plains, and immediately sent envoys to congratulate Ji. Ji was very happy to see that Qi was so respectful, and immediately entrusted to convene governors and recognized Duke Huan of Song as the monarch.
? The so-called respect for the king, of course, refers to respect for Zhou; There are many people involved in the noise. The Yi people here mainly refer to various non-Chinese peoples, that is, the legendary "Dongyi, Xirong, Nanman and Beidi". After his achievements, he immediately reported his work to Zhou and presented some trophies to Li to show his respect.
Because the emperors of the Zhou Dynasty moved eastward, they were very angry with the princes. Li Wang was immediately respected, and he was very happy, so he decided to repay Qi Huangong. In the name of the son of heaven, Li established himself as the emperor's father and had the right to convene governors to form alliances. Qi Huangong was a vassal of Beixing (now the north of Dong 'e County, Shandong Province) in the State of Qi, and was promoted to the leader.
In this way, the conquering vassals had a legitimate name and authority, and with the strong national strength of Qi, when Guan Zhong was alive, the world was peaceful for a while, and Zhou's position was relatively stable.
In the spring of 677 BC, Ji died of illness. After his death, the temple was named Li Wang, also known as Nuo Wang in history.
Ji Yijiu, Zhou Pingwang (about 78 BC1-720 BC).
(The first year of Wang Ping, that is, 770 years ago, the Spring and Autumn Period began)
Zhou Huan Wang Jilin (Wang Pingsun)
Zhouzhuangtuo (Prince Huan)
Zhouji (Taizizhuang)
Zhou (Prince Li)
Zhou (Prince Hui)
Zhou Qing Wang Jiren Chen (Xiang)
Zhou Kuang Ji Wang Ban (to Wang Zi)
Wang (Kuang)
Zhou Jian Ji Wang Yi (Prince Ding)
Zhou Lingwang vented his heart (Prince Jane)
Zhou Jing Wang Jigui (Prince Mausoleum)
King Ai of Zhou (King Jing)
Zhou Ji changed (mourning)
It collapsed in forty-two years (477 BC).
Spring and Autumn Period