In 209 AD, Qin Ershi ordered the expropriation of the poor to defend the border. Chen Sheng, a poor middle peasant in Yangcheng, and Guangwu, a poor middle peasant in Yang Xia, were both arrested near Weifang. They four counties * * * nine hundred people, together in Chen county letter. After short-term training, Bobby Chen and Guangwu were appointed as captains. After a short training, the 900 people, escorted by two county commanders, went to Yuyang, 3000 miles away and ordered them to arrive within two months.
When the motorcade drove to osawa Township, Qixian County, the road was impassable due to heavy rain. They estimate that they have missed the time limit set by Yuyang. According to the law, they will be beheaded. Chen Sheng and Guangwu discussed together and said, "It is better to flee now than to rebel. It is better to do great things." Bobby Chen added: "The world suffered from the rule of the Qin Dynasty for a long time. It is said that Emperor II is the youngest son of the first emperor and should not succeed to the throne. The successor is Fu Su. Fu Su persuaded the emperor many times, and the emperor sent him to lead troops stationed in other places. Now some people hear that he didn't commit any crime, but was killed by Emperor II. However, people still don't know that he is dead.
Also, Xiang Yan turned out to be a general of Chu. He made many meritorious deeds and cared for the soldiers. The people of Chu state like him very much. Some people think he is dead, while others think he has run away and gone into hiding. Now, if we call on everyone to rebel under the names of Fu Su and Xiang Yan, there must be many people responding. "Guangwu agreed to his way, so they went to divination. The fortune teller guessed their intention and said, "You will succeed. Tell ghosts and gods again! Bobby Chen knew that he wanted me to confuse everyone under the guise of ghosts and gods, so that everyone could support me. So Bobby Chen wrote the words "Chen" on a piece of white silk with cinnabar and secretly stuffed it into the fish's stomach. Before long, the fish was bought by the army chef to cook. He cut open the belly of the fish and found silk with words on it. He was shocked and the news spread at once.
Then, Chen Sheng secretly sent Guangwu to a nearby ancient temple with lush vegetation, lit a fire at night, covered it with bamboo, looked like a ghost fire from a distance, and imitated the fox's voice and shouted, "Chu Xing, Chen!" In the middle of the night, the soldiers were stunned by these strange phenomena. The next day, everyone talked about it everywhere, pointing the finger at Bobby Chen. Chen Sheng, seeing that the time was ripe, killed two leading county magistrates, led an uprising with 900 soldiers, captured osawa Township and occupied Qixian County. Soon, insurgents from all over the country responded in succession, and Chen Sheng became king and established the Zhang Chu regime.