When we go to the temple now, we will see some very young and beautiful nuns, but there will be some doubts. Generally, people who go to temples are clean-minded, see through the world of mortals and are tired of everything in the world. Why are there so many beautiful nuns in the temple? Shouldn't young girls like them be a good age, an age to work hard for their lives? Why have they all become nuns?
So the reason here should be told to everyone, so as not to be deceived. Wutai Mountain itself is a very beautiful place. Generally speaking, tourists will pray for the health and safety of their families, and some will pray for a happy marriage. Therefore, they all came to the temple to pray with a sincere heart. Many local people took a fancy to tourists and set up nuns one after another.
Because real nuns are mostly practitioners and have no selfishness to the world, tourists generally believe what nuns say. So some young girls see business opportunities, dress up as nuns to buy things and cheat tourists of their money. Many of them sell very cheap goods to tourists at dozens of times the price, and cheat tourists of their money under the banner of Buddhism or temples.
Therefore, whether you go to the temple in Wutai Mountain or travel to other temples, you must pay attention to discrimination and be vigilant so as not to let these scammers take advantage of the loopholes.