From a medical point of view, if the baby does not stay in the pregnant mother's stomach for 37 weeks, it is premature. Early premature infants are less than 28 weeks, and late premature infants are less than 37 weeks. Generally, if premature infants are born prematurely, the chances of death and sequelae are relatively high, and they are definitely not as good as full-term infants. Premature babies are born early, but they are underdeveloped in pregnant women's stomachs. After birth, their immunity may be poor and they are prone to various diseases.
In fact, when the baby is in the pregnant mother's stomach for 7 months, the organs have basically developed, but they look thinner. If you are born, you can basically survive. The reason why there are seven activities and eight activities is because the ancient mode of production is quite special. In ancient times, women usually gave birth naturally, so some women were prone to accidents when they were born prematurely. The baby's physique is relatively small at this time. In fact, it is relatively easy for pregnant women to have children, so after giving birth, people next to them will try their best to take care of them.
But when the baby grows to about 8 months, the body fat gradually increases and the weight also increases. The eight steps here are not to say that the baby is not good in the pregnant woman's stomach, but that it is more difficult for the pregnant woman to give birth. Because an 8-month-old child looks healthier than a 4-month-old child, people are not so cautious when taking care of it, but in fact, 8 months is also a premature baby, and the baby's physique is relatively weak. Sometimes family members relax when they see the baby born safely, so after staying for a few months, the baby will definitely die.