(2) Meaning: National sovereignty belongs to the people (2 points)
Understanding: Establish a bourgeois republic and promote the idea of democracy and equality. However, due to the weakness and compromise of the bourgeoisie,
The bourgeois revolution divorced itself from the masses. (6 points)
(3) Progress: the combination of anti-imperialism and feudalism (2 points), meaning: marking the beginning of the new-democratic revolution. (2)
(4) Results: China became a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society. Strive to lead the people of China to victory in the new-democratic revolution.
(4 points)
This topic mainly investigates the advanced China people's exploration of the road of saving the country and the people. The question (1) mainly investigates the Opium War.
Combine what you have learned and get the answer. Question (2) mainly investigates the Revolution of 1911. The understanding of the Revolution of 1911 should be viewed from two aspects.
The analysis should be divided into two parts. Question (3) mainly examines the May 4th Movement. You can get the answer by combining what you have learned. Question (4) is mainly
Examine students' knowledge transfer ability. Answer in written and concise language.